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control type 2 diabetes

May 4, 2016

How a High Protein Breakfast May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

Keith Scott-Mumby

Type 2 diabetes is destroying the health of millions. Unlike type 1 diabetes (which represents less than 10% of all diagnosed cases), type 2 is preventable with the right mix of diet and lifestyle. What many patients might not know that it’s also reversible! That’s right. You can control type 2 diabetes to the point […]

May 4, 2016

How a High Protein Breakfast May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

Keith Scott-Mumby

Type 2 diabetes is destroying the health of millions. Unlike type 1 diabetes (which represents less than 10% of all diagnosed cases), type 2 is preventable with the right mix of diet and lifestyle. What many patients might not know that it’s also reversible! That’s right. You can control type 2 diabetes to the point […] The post How a High Protein Breakfast May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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