Now I have to warn you, sadly, that there is junk being peddled out there, using the kind of science I am quoting you. Even celebrity doctors are selling bergamot far below the quality I would demand: 30% at best (mine is 47% minimum). Their problem is not that they’re dishonest: they can’t even buy the good stuff!
All of the bergamot science I have shared with you so far has an official BPF rating of at least 38%.
Now I want to introduce you to my latest version of Bergamot BPF Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot which has an amazing 47% BPF!
Now I want to introduce you to my latest version of Bergamot BPF Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot which has an amazing 47% BPF!
We took something that was already great and made it even better!
But not everyone can buy it. It costs a lot more, so less profit, which is why famous doctors don’t use it and dodgy online stores fake it. But I happen to have a direct line, through my good friends in Las Vegas.
But not everyone can buy it. It costs a lot more, so less profit, which is why famous doctors don’t use it and dodgy online stores fake it. But I happen to have a direct line, through my good friends in Las Vegas.
These are the ONLY people who the Instituto del Bergamotta in Italy will sell to. My friend has cornered the market, at a time when Bergamot extract wasn’t so famous. Now he reaps the rewards. Me too, because I’m a friend of his. And now, importantly, YOURSELVES, because I am releasing it to you!
My Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot is the best you can buy anywhere, using bergamot extracts purified in Calabria, under the watchful eye of the Instituto del Bergamotta, which certifies it’s BPF percentage.
My Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot is the best you can buy anywhere, using bergamot extracts purified in Calabria, under the watchful eye of the Instituto del Bergamotta, which certifies it’s BPF percentage.
It costs a little more. But how much does a heart attack cost, or cirrhosis?
I’ve included some alpha lipoic acid, one of the finest liver friends known! If you ever get poisoned by Deathcap, or a mushroom like it, it’s your liver that is killed. You won’t survive that. So just pray someone gets you onto alpha lipoic acid quick. It’s the only known antidote!
We all need to take this stuff. It seems like the ideal way to preserve our hearts, arteries and livers, in a world that is in great toxic overload.
Boners, Stiffies and Fun!
Come on, we’re all grown-ups around here! You can still call them erections, if you prefer. The thing to grasp is that erectile dysfunction may be a very dangerous heart warning. It may mean clogged arteries, which are not so deadly below the belt but could put you in your grave if the arteries of the heart are affected.
Now here’s one of today’s stupidest medical follies—and yes, there are very many, we all know—the idea of replacing a tiny 2-inch piece of coronary artery with a piece of vein from the leg. Common sense will tell you that if the coronary arteries are rotten, ALL arteries are rotten.
To replace a 2-inch piece of rotten pipe and leave the rest of the plumbing in disrepair is something no self-respecting plumber would do. Therefore we may conclude that cardiovascular surgeons are not self-respecting and not even as smart as plumbers. They are just greedy. Figures also bear out that coronary grafts are a waste of time. There must be something better.
Well there is: you are already reading about it. One of the best proofs that bergamot polyphenols help support artery health is the fact that taking it can help ED.
I’m looking at a paper right now2 which makes the story plain. Again, this is professor Mollace and colleagues in Catanzaro, Italy: “BPF alone or in combination with other medical plants represents a novel natural therapeutic option for counteracting ED in patients with cardiometabolic disorders.”
Even better proof is the glowing enthusiasm that patients have for taking Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot. The people who supply me (and hence supply you) also supply the main orthodox doctors and they have “leaked” to Viv and I that this stuff is avidly sought by male patients.
Even better proof is the glowing enthusiasm that patients have for taking Dr. Keith’s Own® Physician Strength Bergamot. The people who supply me (and hence supply you) also supply the main orthodox doctors and they have “leaked” to Viv and I that this stuff is avidly sought by male patients.
I wouldn’t be without mine!