How This Common Vitamin

Could Save Your Life

“Your husband is not going to survive this.”


These were the words from Allan Smith’s doctor.

Minutes before they requested to remove him from life support.

Allan was a dairy farmer from New Zealand who contract the swine flu on a fishing trip.

The flu turned to a severe pneumonia which left him helpless in a coma. He was on life support.

The doctors were convinced his death was inevitable and there was nothing else they could do.

They decided keeping him alive was only prolonging the process and they wanted to pull the plug.

Allan’s wife had a brother with medical knowledge and insisted on one last chance to save his life…

...And thanks to this common vitamin Allan survived and thrived!




✔     Leaky Gut

✔     Higher BMI

✔     Nosebleeds

✔     ​Easy Bruising

✔     Bleeding Gums

✔     Dry and splitting hair

✔     Rough, dry, or flaky


✔     Swollen and painful joints

✔     Gingivitis – inflamed gums

✔     Weakened immune system

✔     ​Increased risk of infection

Luckily this common vitamin is easy to get, safe, and extremely useful.


It has a long list of benefits that may help improve your life. But the trick is, you have to get your hands on the proper formula… which I will show you how to do today.

How Can This Common Vitamin Help You

This common vitamin has a list of benefits that stretches long past most.

Here are a few ways this common vitamin can help you:

✔    Joint health

✔    Stress teducer

✔    Adrenal support

✔    Fights viral illness

✔    Alleviate dry mouth

✔    ​Improve brain health

✔    Natural pain reducer

✔    Decrease blood sugar

✔    Improve skin elasticity


✔  Lower BMI

✔  Promote healthy aging

✔  Heal burns and wounds

✔  Boost immune system function

✔  Reduce allergy-related conditions

✔  Improve vision in people with uveitis

✔  ​Improves absorption of other nutrients

✔  Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease


I’m a recognized expert in the alternative health field with over 35 years of clinical experience as a holistic MD.

I’ve published over 20 books and have been interviewed by many TV and radio stations worldwide.

I’m known for my cutting-edge alternative medicine, energy medicine, cancer research alternatives, and anti-aging science.

I don’t tell you this to impress you. Instead, to fix it in your mind that I know what I’m doing which means I can help you.


On this page, I will reveal a new healthy and effective supplement that you MUST take.


You’ve heard of this vitamin before, but this is a cutting-edge formula that’s the first of it’s kind. It's a game-changer, for sure.

Imagine For A Moment
How It Would Feel To...

spring out of bed in the morning with the same glowing energy you had when you were younger.

To go for a walk, play with your kids, or do yard work without the achy joints.

To have less stress and a clear and sharp mind throughout your day.

To know you’re taking the proper steps to help improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of common disease and illness.

Believe it or not, this is all possible. People all over the world are experiencing these life-changing benefits from this vitamin.

On this page, you will discover how this new formula can restore healthy aging, a robust immune system, strong heart health, and so much more. The real surprise?

Imagine For A Moment How It Would Feel To...

To spring out of bed in the morning with the same glowing energy you had when you were younger.


To go for a walk, play with your kids, or do yard work without the achy joints.


To have less stress and a clear and sharp mind throughout your day.


To know you’re taking the proper steps to help improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of common disease and illness.


Believe it or not, this is all possible. People all over the world are experiencing these life-changing benefits from this vitamin.


On this page, you will discover how this new formula can restore healthy aging, a robust immune system, strong heart health, and so much more.


The real surprise?


This Common Vitamin Is Vitamin C!

You've been told health problems are part of the process of aging, but that's not entirely the truth.

A high dose of the right form of Vitamin C could prevent (and potentially even treat) heart disease, cancer, stroke, boost immunity, and so much more.
In 2015 the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study which showed high intake of fruit and vegetables was associated with low risk of heart disease. They believed their findings were in large part driven by high vitamin C concentrations.[1]
There’s also a strong association between vitamin C concentrations and a lower level of blood pressure.[2]
A study looked at 730 elderly people and found mortality from stroke was the highest in those with the lowest levels of vitamin C.
A ten-year study found that men who took 800 mg of Vitamin C per day (10x the RDA) had significantly less heart disease and also lived up to 6 years longer than those taking the guideline value of 60 mg.[3]

Improve Brain Function And
Avoid Those ‘Senior Moments’

Vitamin C is necessary to help your brain send signals to your body to function properly.
Increases blood flow to your brain which improves cognitive function which means fewer ‘senior moments’ (or none).
Two studies of 4740 participants found those who took vitamin C were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
People who have high levels of vitamin C bounce back from stressful situations faster.4
Vitamin C helps raise levels of serotonin, the "happy hormone" that plays a critical role in the function of your nervous system, immune system, digestion, and more.
Vitamin C is necessary to help your brain send signals to your body to function properly.
Increases blood flow to your brain which improves cognitive function which means fewer ‘senior moments’ (or none).
Two studies of 4740 participants found those who took vitamin C were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
People who have high levels of vitamin C bounce back from stressful situations faster.4
Vitamin C helps raise levels of serotonin, the "happy hormone" that plays a critical role in the function of your nervous system, immune system, digestion, and more.

3 Ways to Get Vitamin C:
They’re NOT Created Equal

Researchers believe supplementing with vitamin C is almost as effective as exercise.

But before now, there wasn’t an effective way to take this vitamin. Too much by mouth and you get diarrhea, which is counter-productive.

Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means your body doesn't store it for long. Which in turn means you have to consume it often.

As humans, we don't process our own vitamin C like other mammals. Goats, for example, need and make, about 12 - 15 grams a day of "on board" vitamin C.

Using that as a reference, humans probably need 15 - 20 grams daily, but we lost the gene that enables us to make our own life-giving vitamin C.

Which makes it important to get a high-quality absorbable form of vitamin C every single day.




  1. FOOD

You can get a small dose of vitamin C from foods like sweet peppers, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, strawberries, artichoke, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit and more.

The problem is, it's almost impossible to get enough vitamin C to see and feel the fantastic benefits listed on this page from your food.

Food isn’t what it used to be. Nutrient quality is dropping year after year. With all the pesticides and chemicals used to grow and treat the food you never know how that’s going to affect your body.


You can try to eat a rich diet of raw, organic fruits and vegetables but you run into a few different problems. Cost, purity, convenience, and absorption to name a few.


Another option is to get a vitamin C IV. The limitations of this are pretty clear.

You need to be under the watchful eye of a doctor. Getting a daily dose would be expensive, time-consuming and inconvenient for everyone involved.

Plus, who wants to get an IV or needle shoved into their body every day. I sure as heck don’t and I’m sure you wouldn’t like that either.


This is the most straightforward and most practical way to boost your vitamin C levels.

This option comes with its limitations like your ability to absorb the nutrients, gut distress, low quality supplements, and more.

Every year, Americans spend $28 billion on vitamins and herbal supplements.[5] And as it turns out, most Americans are throwing away their hard earned money on supplements that don’t work.


The reason I’m telling you this is so you know, not all Vitamin C supplements are equal.


The Side Effects Of Most Vitamin C Supplements

Many of the supplements on the market don’t actually contain the ingredients listed on the label.
According to Consumer Lab, a company that has tested more than 2,000 health supplements, 1 in 4 has quality problems. Which means at least $7 billion worth of supplements aren't doing what they're supposed to. Which is frustrating.
The truth is, most vitamin C formulas aren’t absorbable.
Most vitamins in tablet or capsule form, don’t dissolve well enough for your body to absorb the nutrients from it.
Most vitamin C supplements contain inactive ingredients, binders, and fillers. These manufacturers use unnecessary (and potentially harmful) ingredients that create digestive issues.

The good news is, I’ve spent years working with laboratory experts developing a new form of this vitamin which I’ll tell you about in a second.

It's unlike anything doctors have seen before.

Max absorption, all natural, GMO-free, made with the BEST ingredients and quickly dissolves in water.

The best part is, it doesn't create stomach upset when taken in high doses. Which is one of the biggest problems of other vitamin C supplements.


Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C.

There’s not another vitamin C supplement on the market like Dr. Keith’s Own Super C.
This is a highly absorbable and concentrated form of Vitamin C, with important additional bio-active compounds.
Dr. Keith's Own Super C does not create stomach upset when taken in high doses unlike most vitamin C.
It’s a pleasant, well-tolerated, tasteless, therapeutic, high potency supplement.
It easily dissolves in water, and the best part is, you can take as much as you like without the digestive issues.

Which means, you can FINALLY take enough vitamin C to see and feel the benefits of this powerful vitamin.

​You don’t need plastic surgery to look younger.

​I urge you to pick yours up while we still have jars left!



“Vitamin C is the world's best natural antibiotic, antiviral, antitoxin and antihistamine. The importance of vitamin C cannot be overemphasized.”
- Andrew W. Saul, The Vitamin Expert
​“Vitamin C can help slow the growth of prostate, pancreatic, liver and colon cancer, and even improve symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, vomiting and chronic pain.”
- The National Cancer Institute 7
​"Higher blood levels of Vitamin C are associated with a REDUCED RISK OF STROKE."
- Stroke Journal6
"High levels of Vitamin C can REDUCE WORK RELATED FATIGUE in normal healthy subjects."
- Nutrition Journal

The Science Behind
Dr. Keith’s Own Super C

This section is very science heavy. Read if you want to know what makes this vitamin C the first and only in its class, and how it's designed.

If not, scroll down now and order your jars of Dr. Keith's Own Super C today.

Dr. Keith's Own® Super C is a unique crystal form with a buffered, non-acidic sodium molecule. This eliminates the normal intestinal distress you would get from taking large amounts of vitamin C.

Dr. Keith's Own® Super C also includes heart-healthy sugar D-ribose, an efficient energy source. D-ribose is part of the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate), the "energy molecule" that your body burns for fuel and energy.

It increases the heart's stroke volume (output). Overall, studies demonstrate the potential of D-ribose for improving heart metabolism and function in people with heart disease.

Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C is enhanced with 99.5% pure MSM (methylsulfanolmethane), a proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It's known to be good for joints and cartilage.

Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C now includes glycine, an important amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter. You'll notice the extra energy and clarity of mind, feeling sharp and ready to take on the world!

But There Is More! Glycine also help your body re-charge with glutathione, the all-important detox molecule. Glutathione is in fact the MOST POWERFUL antioxidant in our bodies. It’s been called the miracle molecule and various other names.

And There is Even More! Glycine is an antagonist of an enzyme with the fancy name of NADPH oxidase, which is very pro-inflammatory. Inflammation is ultimately what kills a person fighting a viral or bacterial infection. So pro-inflammatory is BAD; really bad.

It’s very important to block NADPH oxidase as fully as possible. With glycine present in the formula,
Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C exerts powerful effects way beyond just simple vitamin C (which is amazing in its own right)!


Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C includes EDTA, a safe chelating agents (GRAS, generally recognized as safe) and is buffered and mixed with other ingredients to maximize absorption.

You can finally reap the full rewards of vitamin C, and with this formula, you can take as much as you'd like, typically without gut issues.


Plus, it tastes good. It’s sweet but won't flood your body with sugar.



1. High quality vitamin C
2. Maximum Absorption
3. Concentrated crystalline
4. Pure bio-active compounds.
5. All natural, non GMO
6. No upset stomach
7. Tasteless
8. Dissolves easy

Your 3 Order Options
While Supplies Last!



Get 1 jar of Dr. Keith's Own® Super C shipped to your doorstep, anywhere in the world. Plus shipping & handling.

Money-Back 60 Day Guarantee

$49.95 per jar



Get 1 jar of Dr. Keith's Own® Super C shipped to your doorstep, anywhere in the world. Plus shipping & handling.

Money-Back 60 Day Guarantee

You Save
$42 Today!

$42.95 per jar



Get 3 jars of Dr. Keith's Own® Super C shipped to your doorstep, anywhere in the world. Plus shipping & handling.

Money-Back 60 Day Guarantee

$44.95 per jar

How To Order Dr. Keith’s Own Super C

We only order 1,000 bottles at a time, to be sure the product remains absolutely fresh. Once those sell out, there's no telling how long you'll have to wait.

Best to take the option of ordering several tubs at once! You'll save money when you do!
If you'd like to experience the life-changing benefits of vitamin C first hand, then click the button below and place your order today.
Make sure you pay attention to how clear you feel.
I want you to feel what it’s like to…

We only order 1,000 bottles at a time, to be sure the product remains absolutely fresh. Once those sell out, there's no telling how long you'll have to wait.

Best to take the option of ordering several tubs at once! You'll save money when you do!
If you'd like to experience the life-changing benefits of vitamin C first hand, then click the button below and place your order today.
Make sure you pay attention to how clear you feel.
I want you to feel what it’s like to…

Spring out of bed in the morning with the same glowing energy you had when you were younger.

Go for a walk, play with your kids, or do yard work without the achy joints.

Have less stress and a clear and sharp mind throughout your day.

Take the proper steps to help improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of common disease and illness.

Then Vitamin C is your ticket to have a healthy, active, and energized life well into your 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond.

There’s no better time to start than today.


This new vitamin C formula will change your life. And I would never ask you to take something I don't support.

To prove Dr. Keith’s Own Super C is the best option for you, you’re protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.
Which means, if you don’t love it, you can get your money back. No questions asked.
Send the rest of your bottle back, and we will give you every penny back. No questions asked.



As you can see I'm taking all the risk here. That's because I know once you start taking Dr. Keith's Own Super C you're going to love it.

Can You Afford To Wait?

I urge you get your Dr. Keith’s Own® Super C on its way to you today…

I have a limited supply of jars on my shelves ready and waiting for you:


  Healthy aging

  ​Support brain health

  Immune system function

✔     Strengthen bones and teeth

  ​Wound healing and skin elasticity

  Collagen production and skin health

  Prevent cellular damage from free radicals


If you’re ready to protect your body from the damage of free radicals now and over the years to come, click the 'Start My Order' button today.

Remember your order is back by our rock-solid 100% 60-day money back guarantee.

Simply click the ‘Start My Order’ button below to get started.
Once you click the ‘Start My Order' button, you'll be taken to a product options page where you can select your order of 1, 3, 5 bottles of Dr. Keith's Own Super C.
Don’t wait, get started today.



Frequently Asked Questions


It's unlikely. It might happen with extremely high doses, but the formula eliminates most upset stomachs. Just remember everyone is different and unique.


We recommend 1 scoop daily, but you should be able to tolerate 2-3 scoops. Additional doses should be taken when you are fighting infection, aches and pains, and unexpected stress.


Replace your vitamin C with Dr. Keith's Own Super C, and then you can decide what the best option for you is moving forward.


It stores well but is highly active chemically, so it will gradually turn brown. THIS CHANGE OF COLOR DOES NOT AFFECT ITS POTENCY. It's just something that ribose and vitamin C do when they get together!


1. Camilla J Kobylecki, Shoaib Afzal, George Davey Smith, Børge G Nordestgaard; Genetically high plasma vitamin C, intake of fruit and vegetables, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality: a Mendelian randomization study, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 101, Issue 6, 1 June 2015, Pages 1135–1143,

2. Myint, P. K., Luben, R. N., Wareham, N. J., & Khaw, K. (2011). Association Between Plasma Vitamin C Concentrations and Blood Pressure in the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer-Norfolk Population-Based Study. Hypertension,58(3), 372-379. doi:10.1161/hypertensionaha.111.171108

3. Enstrom, J. E. (1993). Counterviewpoint Vitamin C and Mortality. Nutrition Today,28(3), 39-42. doi:10.1097/00017285-199305000-00007

4. Vitamin C: Stress Buster. A study finds in addition to benefits related to the common cold and cancer, vitamin C helps reduce both the physical and psychological effects of stress on people. (n.d.). Retrieved from

5. 2017 Wellness Reports: Dietary Supplements. (n.d.) .Retrieved from

6. Yokoyama, T., Date, C., Kokubo, Y., Yoshiike, N., Matsumura, Y., & Tanaka, H. (2000). Serum Vitamin C Concentration Was Inversely Associated With Subsequent 20-Year Incidence of Stroke in a Japanese Rural Community : The Shibata Study. Stroke,31(10), 2287-2294. doi:10.1161/01.str.31.10.2287

7. High-Dose Vitamin C. (n.d.). Retrieved from



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