Spiders Blown Away!
Look at the effect of different drugs on the performance of spiders spinning their webs, according to NASA research reported in New Scientist, 27 April 1995.
Spiders on marijuana are too laid back to finish the job, while those dosed with the sedative chloral hydrate drop off to sleep before they can lay down more than a few silky filaments, although the web is OK as far as it goes.
On an “upper”, such as benzedrine, the spider demonstrates great gusto but not much planning, leaving large holes in the structure. But caffeine seems to have had by far the worst effect and the web is a very chaotic affair. In fact it’s a disaster!
Ask yourself: do you really want to drink this stuff?
Many reported allergies to tea and coffee are not allergies in the true sense of the word but simply caffeine poisoning. Doses above 250 mg a day are toxic and potentially harmful. Children are more prone to caffeine’s negative effects. You might think children aren’t consuming a lot of caffeine, or at least not as much as their Starbucks-guzzling parents.
In fact a 2010 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, found 75 percent of children surveyed consumed caffeine on a daily basis, and the more caffeine the children consumed, the less they slept.
Cola drinks may legally contain up to 60 mg of caffeine per portion. Parents actually encourage kids with cola drinks, on the daft notion that it “energizes” them. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported roughly 1,200 cases a year of caffeine toxicity in children younger than age 6!
We all drink too much tea and coffee. Trouble is, you see, caffeine makes you pass more water through the kidneys. So you lose fluid, feel thirsty as a result and want to drink all over again! It’s a vicious circle. Great for the tea and coffee companies but not good for your brain and kidneys.

A typical cup of coffee contains 90 to 100 mg of caffeine. So-called de-caffeinated coffee has about 2 mg. A 5-oz cup of tea contains about 50 mg caffeine and 1 mg theophylline. Cocoa and most chocolates have significant amounts of caffeine, a fact that is often overlooked.
People have been drinking caffinaceous drinks since the dawn of time. Maté, still drunk by 20 million South Americans, was known to Paleolithic man. Tea from the bush Camellia chinensis has been drunk in China for 2,000 years. Coffee – taken from the Coffeia arabica plant – was established more recently, because without the fermentation, extraction and roasting processes, which must have taken some ingenuity to discover, its taste is unpleasant.
The distinctive aroma of coffee comes from over 500 compounds that arise during roasting. Almost none of these compounds have been properly evaluated for toxicity; they include thiopenes, thiazoles, oxazoles, furans, pyrroles, pyridines, quinolines, quinoxalines and indoles. There are others.
Remarkably, coffee has some terrific health benefits, scientifically documented. But I have to warn you that almost all these positive studies were from Europe, where coffee is a different affair than in the New World. Over there we drink a very small espresso (half to one ounce per serving, no cream and no sweetener). That’s a far cry from the 20-ounce and 32-ounce cream and sugar-shlock guzzlers served over here in the typical coffee shop!
I suggest you find your own small local artisan coffee shop—one that knows how to make real espresso—and patronize them. They need all the help they can get under the onslaught of giants like Starbucks and Coffee Bean.
A Novel Technique For Cleaning Your Teeth
A very friendly US correspondent of mine, who prefers to remain strictly anonymous, wrote to me after I mentioned the misery following my recent dental work (Medicine Outside The Box, Jan 3rd, 2014). What he said was news to me and could be useful to millions of people! I’ll let him talk in his own words…
I have always had amazingly strong and good teeth with almost no cavities. One dentist referred to them once as teeth of a bull elephant. But a few years ago I started getting a lot of plaque and periodontists.
I tried everything from SCENAR to all sorts of herbal mouth washes, tooth pastes, water pick and mechanical tooth brushes and laser treatments.
The result was that I ended up losing my molars on both sides. So suffice it to be said; I’ve been through a bit of the dental pain and disappointment you describe. But this battle didn’t end completely even after losing some of my teeth!
I find all of this to be personally embarrassing, but I happened to mention my dental battle to an old friend who is very knowledgeable in natural remedies. Surprisingly, he said that he wished I had told him sooner because he most likely could have saved my teeth, not to mention thousands of dollars in dental bills and all the pain. He told me to simply brush my teeth with nothing else but some organic raw coconut oil. After looking closely at the ingredients of all my toothpastes (even the “natural” ones) I figured I certainly couldn’t hurt myself trying something like organic raw coconut oil.
The complete protocol is not to initially swallow the melted coconut oil as the teeth are being brushed, but reserve it in the mouth so that when finished brushing, the saliva and coconut oil mixture can be used to swirl around and between the teeth like a mouthwash. Then the whole mixture can either be spit out or swallowed. (Dieters will spit it out and others will swallow for the coconut oil benefits.)
I did this protocol, along with the dental ‘brush tapping’ method you once wrote about, (the “Tooth Wizard”, download a free eBook from here: http://www.toothwizards.com/shop.html) and the results were dramatic. My entire mouth starting quickly responding wonderfully and now my remaining teeth are back to being as strong as a bull elephant’s.
Better Than A Mouthwash
Evidently (and according to my friend) raw coconut oil has all sorts of natural antibiotics and natural healing powers. It seems to leave the healthy flora alone while destroying all the infectious bacteria.
I’ve been brushing with nothing but raw coconut oil for a few years now and have been totally free of any problems as well as found that it seems to greatly inhibit even the creation of plaque.
The only other thing I can tell you is purely subjective. When I first starting brushing my teeth with coconut oil and swallowing my throat would become raspy or sore. But this inflammation would slowly dissipate after approximately 10 minutes. After a few weeks, this reaction in my throat stopped altogether.
Therefore it’s my guess as to what was happening (and this may be psychosomatics) is that as the coconut oil was pulling the toxins and infections out of my mouth, my throat was reacting to a film of these same things after I swallowed. Now that my mouth is healthy, I no longer seem to have any detectable reaction in my throat.
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
The post Caffeine Toxicity Surprisingly More Toxic Than Drugs appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.