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Cell phone protection and good blood results

It’s never ending. Whatever the phoney scientists want to claim about safety, there is no doubt that many people suffer extreme electrical and magnetic sensitivity, brought on by being drenched in microwave radiation from cell phones and the antennas.

If you haven’t seen my blog yet showing 24 hours of cell-phone use is equivalent to 1,600 chest x-rays in dose, then it’s time you got this info. Wise up! Here’s the link.

The GOOD NEWS is that we can at least partially protect ourselves. There are lots of devices which claim to offer protection. Now a protector I have featured in my teleseminar series has got some great blood tests to back it up.

The device is called the Cell Phone Guardian and their site is here:

Take me to the Cell Phone Guardian page

See those photographs of blood changes, which have been sworn in affidavit as being authentic.

You MUST get one of these devices, they are brilliant. They have other good stuff too. I sit on the protective mat at my computer and simply couldn’t work without it. It’s GREAT for long distance driving too.

Cell Phone Guardian

The post Cell phone protection and good blood results appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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