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Drink More Coffee To Improve Liver Function

Grab a cup of coffee and sit down because we need to talk. Actually, grab two cups, and don’t feel guilty about it. You will be doing your body a favor.

Many of you aren’t fully awake until you’ve had your morning coffee. Some of you might even have family and friends who have learned – for their own safety – not to approach you until they’ve seen you down a cup or two.

Surprising new research has emerged that shows not only can coffee improve your morning disposition; it can also improve liver function and overall health.

This is actual science, not propaganda put out by the shadowy coffee bean cartels.

Ode to the Liver

While not as beloved as your brain, your liver is responsible for more than five hundred bodily tasks. The most important of these is filtering toxins and dead cells from your blood. Every time your heart beats, twenty-five percent of your blood is being cleaned.

Your liver is a crucial organ and is even capable of regenerating itself. A parent can donate half of their liver to a child needing a transplant and both parts will grow back into complete, fully functioning structures.

Many of your body’s most important processes happen in your liver:

    • Waste products that your kidneys cannot handle are removed.
    • Bile is created which helps break down fats and metabolize crucial fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, F, and K.
    • Excess hormones are eliminated and electrolyte balances are maintained.
    • Glucose levels are balanced.

Fascinating, you think as you refill your cup, but what does this have to do with my coffee?

The Other Liver Disease

The answer is wonderfully simple science. A new study conducted by the Duke University School of Medicine along with researchers form the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School has indicated that increasing your intake of caffeine can reduce fatty liver in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). improve liver function

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affects between twenty and thirty percent of the population. Untreated, non-alcoholic liver disease can lead to inflammation and scarring of the liver.

The symptoms are similar to its cousin cirrhosis, commonly caused by alcohol abuse. The only cure for a liver this far gone is a transplant.

Avoiding Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Until recently, the only options to treat NAFLD were the old standbys of a balanced, low-fat diet and exercise. The options expanded with the Duke University Study.

Along with improving liver function, coffee and caffeine intake has been shown to reduce the risk of fibrosis in individuals with fatty liver disease.

However, though caffeine is good to treat NAFLD and improve liver function, the delivery system is crucial. One of the jobs your liver performs is cleaning out toxins such as the chemical dyes and artificial sweeteners found in sodas.

There are literally hundreds of studies attesting to the dangers of sodas to your overall health – whether they are diet or not.

Coffee and tea, especially green tea, are excellent choices. They’re natural and contain few artificial ingredients. The goal is to help your liver, not to give it more work.

Consider your morning coffee a dose of daily medication. You take it for your liver. Having a fatty liver is linked to obesity and increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. All you’re doing is protecting yourself.

That’s what you tell anyone who dares question you.

Your morning cup of java can serve as far more than an eye opener. It can aid in keeping many dreaded medical conditions away and improve liver function.

Of course, coffee alone isn’t the answer to staying fit. Healthy diet choices and exercise are important and necessary to living a longer, stronger life.

We won’t discuss these things until after you’ve had your coffee.

drink more coffee

The post Drink More Coffee To Improve Liver Function appeared first on Alternative Doctor Dev Site.

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