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Drunk Teen Driver Busts Open A Baby

I apologize for this headline, like “News Of The World” or “The National Enquirer” do them. But they do it for a reason, which is to grab attention by being shocking or revolting.

This is a story that moved me greatly and I feel impelled to share it. A few days ago, we had our friends Linda and Charles Van Kessler staying with us (Founders of “Passion 4 Life” Vitamins).

They brought with them a sad tale of an 18-month old baby who had been crushed by a drunk teen driver, high on marijauna. The child’s belly had been busted like a squashed tomato and his spinal cord severed. It seemed unimaginable that anyone could survive injuries of such severity.

baby in ICU

But if anyone can it’s a baby! In fact young Izaiah has stabilized and he could pull through but he will need a lot of help.

Part of that help is Linda and her media handling skills: she was PR to Billy Graham and the Ford administration in the White House. Linda has grabbed this, from sheer frustration and grief, that something has to be done. The young family have no money to pay the hospital. In the USA, that means they can cart you out on the street and dump you on the sidewalk (and if you saw Michael Moore’s movie “Sicko”, you’ll realize that, incredibly, THEY ACTUALLY DO DO THAT!)

I interviewed Linda for my newly formed Alternative Doctor TV, and this is the result. Please share this with your friends. You can also find it on YouTube, where I hope it will be widely seen. You never know who will be motivated to help, with either cash or a donation to the auction.

Here’s a delightful picture of Izaiah with his Mum and Dad before the terrible accident.

Once again, to help or donate goods or money (please do) call: 760 518 2780

The post Drunk Teen Driver Busts Open A Baby appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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