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Give Your 2 Most Vital Organs ALL the Help They Need…

In an eye-opening study published in the British medical journal The Lancet in June 2012, it has emerged that people with chronic kidney problems may have the same level of risk for coronary heart disease as people who have previously had a heart attack and similar to or higher than the rate of death among people with diabetes–which is pretty bad!

Put another way, your kidneys can bury you in more ways than one: not just kidney failure (which is horrible) but by a large increase in the possibility of a fatal heart attack.

My thoughts quickly came around to my own writings on kidney health. It’s my mission to make the information I have about preserving your kidneys from damage more widely known.

I wrote a killer report called, “The Waters Of Life”, laying it all out for you. What’s more I coupled it with another great advisory about liver health, “Love Your Liver”.How to Protect Your Liver and Kidney Health

You see, your liver and kidneys are the most important detox and excretion organs: essential to your health but even more important if you are facing severe toxic overload… such as battling cancer. Between the two of them, they remove over 99% of damaging substances in your body.

Yet it is hard to think of two more unloved and uncared for organs than these two. That’s why they need all the help you can give them.

The trouble is that few doctors or health advisors ever trouble to give good advice about looking after these two essential organs and as a results there are long lists for transplants.

The sitution is so dire, and missing knowledge is so critcal on this topic that I urge you to get these critcal reports I have put together.

Don’t let the modern world shorten your life by damaging your vital organs…

The post Give Your 2 Most Vital Organs ALL the Help They Need… appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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