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Sample bite of the “Gaia” track from a portable accelerated learning device

Most of you have seen me refer to the “New Reality” PAL device (portable accelerated learning). Many of you have bought one and are having great fun changing your mental landscape.

I have obtained permission to release a small sample in MP3 format, for those you you who don’t really understand this technology, or are not familiar with it.

It has been said that in just 7 minutes, you can achieve the state of mind that it would take 30 years of intense meditation to achieve. I don’t know about you but, much as I love intense and enlightened states, I haven’t got that much time to devote. We are not monks and have to live our lives, eat and pay the rent.

Instead, we can short-circuit this process with binaural beats, flicker-following lights, soothing music and guided hypnotic imagery. Brain scans show we achieve just as much good!

I cannot give you the FULL experience, because it requires the amazing patented “New Reality” system to do that. But without the lights and the so-called “flicker following” effect of lights, you can still get a “feel” of the process that is waiting for you in this amazing, powerful device.

Just click on the link below but you must make sure that you are listening in headphones with stereo capability. Alternatively, download the file and podcast it, to listen through ear buds or headphones, on your iPod or MP4 player.

The sample is almost 8 minutes and stops just as we are coming up to the full guided imagery. In any case, I don’t want you to get half measures! It’s a sample, that’s all. Just go buy the device: YOU HAVE A FULL 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. So nothing to worry about.

sample from “Contact With Gaia” track

I’m not the only expert guide, of course. Deepak Chopra is one of my colleagues, Dan Millman, and many other names you would recognize. However, it’s been clearly stated that my tracks are the best! I think they are. I put a lot of love and poetry into them.

But there are literally hundreds of tracks by dozens of experts and guides for you to download and build of a library of tracks. The materials cover everything from addictions to beating cancer; menopause to spiritual ascension.

Read more about this device and purchase one HERE, from this site:

New Reality PAL device page

The post Sample bite of the “Gaia” track from a portable accelerated learning device appeared first on Alternative Doctor Dev Site.

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