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Still Believe in Antibiotics? Ha, Better Read This

Death by Sepsis

Despite the widespread belief that antibiotics still work, even if not a good idea, almost a quarter of a million people a year die in the USA alone from widespread sepsis. The best modern antibiotics didn’t save them. That’s a LOT of people.

Worldwide, that figure rises to tens of millions of people a year, according to the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA). That makes sepsis the likely leading cause of death today, according to Konrad Reinhart, M.D., Chairman of the GSA and director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Jena, Germany.

The fact is, sepsis kills regardless of age, ethnicity, location and access to care. It strikes swiftly and strikes hard. Antibiotics are failing. No new ones are coming along or ever likely to.

“Developing new therapies for sepsis has been particularly challenging, with more than 25 unsuccessful drug trials,” says Jonathan S. Boomer, of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

750,000 Americans each year contract sepsis and 225,00 die. That’s almost one third.

The problem is the intense inflammatory response that has become poetically christened the ‘cytokine storm.’ Patients with sepsis may present with fever, shock, altered mental status, and organ dysfunction. It’s all due to bacteria running riot in the patient’s body.

A new study has looked at lung and spleen tissue from 40 intensive care unit (ICU) patients, average age 72, who died with active severe sepsis and compared them to spleen and lung samples from a control group of 49 people, average age 53, who died without sepsis.

Findings from biochemical tests and cell and tissue analyses for patients who died of sepsis were consistent with immune suppression, due to the cytokine storm, compared to the patients who did not have sepsis when they died.

In other words, just when you need your immune system the most, it goes down. Caput. That’s bad…

The median (midpoint) number of days in the ICU for patients with sepsis was 8, and the median duration of the sepsis was 4 days.

Read that last paragraph again: the average survival time was only 4 days, once sepsis set in. Of course, for some, death was much quicker than that.

It accords well with what I keep saying, over and over: you CANNOT afford to wait till disaster strikes to get wised up on antibiotics alternatives.

You need to get my book covering antibiotic substitutes: How To Survive In A World Without Antibiotics. You need to get it NOW and put your nose in it, at  least enough to get some working knowledge of what the alternative options are.

And there are many. There is no need to fear infections, if you understand health properly. It’s ignorance you need to fear. People die of ignorance every few seconds.

If only they knew what was possible, or the family did, victims wouldn’t go under due to medical myths and incompetence. They would survive.

For example, I can name THREE key vitamins, that are virtually 100% effective against even the severest infections, when taken in high doses. Do you know what they are? Do you know what the doses should be to be effective?

Well, your family doctor or specialist won’t know, so you sure as hell had better get the facts. Get a copy here: it costs less than the bottle of brandy or rum you probably bought for Christmas!

There isn’t a single antibiotic therapy that can come close to 100% successful against infections. So the joke is, some of these alternatives are better than the drugs they replace!

[The study appears Dec. 21 in the Journal of the American Medical Association]

The post Still Believe in Antibiotics? Ha, Better Read This appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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