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Surprising ways that foods can really hurt you

Last night I did a teleclass for Hilton Johnson. This was its title. From that you will see that it’s serious stuff!

In fact I quoted several moving stories of people from my casebook who had been BADLY hurt by foods. Not just bellyache but being imprisoned in their own bodies, unable to express themselves and learn language. One woman discovered herself at the age of 39: she just woke up one day and “I realized that I was there” (her own words).

Can you imagine how awful it must be to be “born” at the age of 39 years? She had been unable to read or write or cross the road safely. She couldn’t handle money and was a danger to herself in the kitchen. But she was rescued entirely by my discovery that a single unsuspected food allergy was the call of all her misery.

But she was far from my only staggering case, sadly. It’s true that foods can REALLY hurt you.

Listen to the teleclass recording here: diet wise
(while you are there, consider signing up for my free teleseminars)

Better still, get my book “Diet Wise“. It’s probably the best $20 health investment you can make. It turns existing diet theory and teaching on its head.


The post Surprising ways that foods can really hurt you appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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