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What can we learn about medicine from a TV detective story

Last night my wife and I watched a TV film in the great British detective series “Midsomer Murders”. It stars John Nettles as Detective Inspector Tom Barnaby, has fabulous creepy music each episode and makes an English village seem a very dangerous place to live. They are now up to the 12th season and there have been several hundred people bumped off in this fictional, snoozy corner of England!!

Anyway, the episode we watched concerned a series of strange deaths in an old folk’s home. It turned out there were no villains and all the deaths were eventually explained by natural causes—except one!

I won’t worry about spoiling and tell you that a kind-hearted woman suffocated her relative, because the old girl is riddled with cancer and the doctors had pronounced she has only two months to live.

Well, you know what I think about that folly. doctors-must-stop-giving-death-sentences

But the final moments were given over to speculating whether it was really murder, to put someone out of their suffering. Inspector Barnaby seems to almost sympathize with the murderer at the close. Of course this was only fiction, so such debates can take place a grassroots level.

There are two important qualifiers to the discussion, neither of which were brought up by the script writers:

Firstly, in the flashback (there’s always a flashback!), the old lady was seen struggling against the pillow. That means she didn’t want to die. It was not euthanasia by any definition. There must be consent for it to be assisted suicide. Otherwise it is most definitely hard and wicked murder, with no excuse.

The sovereignty of life may not be usurped by Man (or in this case woman).

Secondly, and more importantly, it supposes stupid doctors are so wonderfully skilled they can tell to within a few days when someone is going to die. That’s where I take exception to the whole story. Doctors nearly always get it wrong. People sometimes live for 20 years after they have been given only months to live.

By making pronouncements, they often create a self-fulfilling prophecy, as I discussed in the blog about death sentences.

The doctors have worthless and limited tools at their disposal; they cannot cure cancer much or often. So when they are done, they like to believe that’s the end of it.

The modern doctor could not endure the thought that the patient could walk away, choose a holistic  health path and so survive, even against considerable odds. If they accepted that could be true, why would they go on doing what they do?

So, bad marks to the script writer and producer, for perpetuating the silly myth that doctors are invincible and the sole custodians of healing.

All I know is a course of fresh smoothies, delicious organic fresh food, lashings of flaxseed oil and a few turns round the garden, the old lady would likely be on the mend. If not there is the Rife machine, Ukrain, glutathione, spiritual healing, visualization, Dr. Hamer’s “Iron Rule” emotional pathway, kanglaite and SCORES more effective remedies against cancer that could have helped and should have been tried.

I’ve explained them all in my eReport “Cancer Confidential”. If you haven’t got yours yet, you can get it here. cancer confidential book

For those of you who already have “Cancer Confidential”, the new edition is out: there are 50 extra pages!!
There will be an email any day, giving you the new download link. Go there and download it and start to feast on the extras. Remember: it’s FREE!

The post What can we learn about medicine from a TV detective story appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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