If you remain skeptical about electricity’s central role in life forces, just wait for the publication of my new book Medicine Beyond!
Meantime, you need to look at some genuine evidence (it’s also evidence of the fact that science knows nothing, not even the limits of its own ignorance).
Consider the following intriguing and well-documented cases, that cannot be wished away by mere denial (you know, the old scientific approach: it can’t be true, therefore it isn’t).
One of the earliest investigated cases of an “electric person” was that of Angélique Cottin of La Perière, France. At the age of fourteen a strange condition befell her in which any object she went near would retreat from her, as if pushed, like magnets repelling each other. The mere touch of her hand was enough to send heavy furniture flying away from her. No one could hold down the furniture or stop it wresting from their grasp.
A study group was appointed by the French Academy of Sciences, and a well-known physicist of the day, François Arago, published a report in the journal des débats (February 1846). There is a lengthy translation of this report, entitled The Electrical Girl, published by Popular Science Monthly Volume 6 March 1875.
Here is an example of what they observed while studying the phenomenon. Angélique approached a table, which was repelled as soon as it came in contact with her apron. She seated herself upon a chair with her feet resting on the floor, and the chair was thrown violently against the wall, while she was sent in another direction.
This experiment was repeated, over and over. Neither Arago, or Gougin, nor Laugier, also present, could hold the chair immovable, and M. Gougin, seating himself in one-half of it, while the girl occupied the other, was thrown upon the floor as soon as she took possession of it.The episode lasted ten weeks, before the strange manifestations finally ceased.
The Academy concluded it was all a fraud by the slight little girl; apparently she had secret muscle reflexes that allowed her to throw a 100 lb. table or chair across the room, while disguising all movement from the observers! It would have also meant she was stronger than grown men!
Of course as soon as the word “fraud” is uttered, even be it by buffoons of the day, all scientific interest ceases and the eggheads no longer have to trouble their (tiny) minds with the issue.
How Can It Happen?
Each cell in our body can generate a small charge. In his 1988 book electric shock book Dr. Michael Shallis, an Oxford don, describes the case of Mrs. Jacqueline Priest, 22, of Sale Manchester (very close to where I had my UK headquarters).
She registered charges of static electricity more than 10 times the “normal” level. She was able to transmit miniature bolts of lightning, that caused 30 vacuum cleaners and many other domestic appliances to short out or malfunction.
Gould and Pyle, in their monumental Anomalies And Curiosities Of Medicine (1896) mention a six-year-old Zulu boy who gave off intense shocks and was exhibited at Edinburgh in 1882.
Foder, in his Encyclopaedia Of Psychic Science, tells of a baby born at Saint-Urbain, France, in 1869 who badly shocked all who touched him. Luminous rays would shoot from his fingers, and when he died, just nine months old, radiance was observed around his body for several minutes.
In February of 1976, a 12 year old boy named Vyvyan Jones from Henbury, Bristol broke his arm. For two days after his injury, his hair stood straight up on his head and he gave terrible electric shocks to anyone around him.
The television and lights were affected by his high voltage syndrome, flickering constantly until he left the room. Watches were also affected. Vyvyan was able to hold a light bulb in his hand and it would immediately light up. His phenomenon only lasted two days, but was unexplainable.
One of the most remarkable stories (to me) was a piece in Electrical Experimenter (June 1920) in which Dr. JB Ransom, chief physician at Clinton prison, New York, reported 34 convicts suffering from botulinus poisoning.
One had tried to throw away a piece of paper and found it stuck to his hand due to static. Soon all the afflicted inmates were on the same highly charged condition, varying in intensity with the severity of the poisoning. Compasses went wild in their vicinity and metal objects were deflected from their grasp. The effects faded as soon as they recovered.
![]() In February of 1976, a 12 year old boy named Vyvyan Jones from Henbury, Bristol broke his arm. For two days after his injury, his hair stood straight up on his head and he gave terrible electric shocks to anyone around him. The television and lights were affected by his high voltage syndrome, flickering constantly until he left the room. Watches were also affected. Vyvyan was able to hold a light bulb in his hand and it would immediately light up. His phenomenon only lasted two days, but was unexplainable. |
Then there is the weird case of the “Luminous Woman of Pirano” (a tiny town in what is now Slovenia, on the Adriatic Sea). Anna Morano, aged 42, was an asthma patient. Over a period of several weeks, whenever she slept, a blue glow would be emitted from her breasts.
Dr. Protti from Padua University and a team of five other medical specialists kept a vigil at her bedside and witnessed the amazing phenomenon first hand, taking measurements and some cine film.
Their work demonstrated that the subject doubled her heartbeat and respiratory rate during the brief minutes when the strange glow shone through her body. It was proposed that her sweating caused a luminous bacterium to glow but reports were very clear, her sweating and breathlessness came after the light.
None of the experts had any truly credible explanation for what was observed. Perhaps the best theory was that her weakened condition, due to religious zeal and fasting, increased the sulfides on her blood, which would be capable of glowing in ultraviolet light. But where did the ultraviolet light come from?
It remains a mystery. The effect disappeared after a few weeks and the woman was none the worse for her “affliction”.
Harry Wood Carrington tells of a child who died of acute indigestion. As neighbors prepared the shroud they noticed the body surrounded by a blue glow and radiating heat.
The body appeared to be on fire; efforts to extinguish the luminescence failed, but eventually it faded away. Gould and Pyle in their monumental Anomalies And Curiosities Of Medicine (1896) tell of a woman with cancer of the breast: the light from her body could illuminate the hands of a watch several feet away.
Finally (enough for now), there was a letter to the English Mechanic, dated 24 September 1869, which described the experience of an American woman.
On going to bed, she found that a light was issuing from the upper side of the fourth toe on her right foot. Rubbing made it worse and it spread up her foot. There was a bad odor and she tried washing her foot in soap and water, but it didn’t decrease the glow (thereby rendering glowing bacteria out of the question). The whole phenomenon lasted for three quarters of an hour and was witnessed by her husband.
There have been many other cases of glowing humans. Indeed, they are rather common and may extend to include the halo effect seen around holy figures or those engaged in intense spiritual activity.
Light has been seen streaming from holy priests which lit up a dark cell or whole chapel. There are simply so many of these accounts, they cannot all be dismissed. Don’t forget that we all emit light from our bodies but at a level 1,000 times below the threshold of the eye.
Writing in the online journal PLoS ONE, researchers describe how they imaged volunteers’ upper bodies using ultra-sensitive cameras over a period of several days.
Their results show that the amount of light emitted follows a 24-hour cycle, at its highest in late afternoon and lowest late at night, and that the brightest light is emitted from the cheeks, forehead and neck.
Strangely, the areas that produced the brightest light did not correspond with the brightest areas on thermal images of the volunteers’ bodies.
Pathological Effect
It’s very clear these strange energetic phenomena are not normal, in any sense. In fact they tend to be pathological and mainly afflict sick people. Even Angélique Cottin, the Electrical Girl, was described as sickly and apathetic to an extraordinary degree both in body and mind. This may be the real clue we need.
In the Electric Universe model, we all live in a universe that is flooded with highly charged electrical flows. This current is transformed for us by our galaxy; the galactic electricity is transformed by our Sun; the Sun’s violent energies are transformed Earth herself.
We still live in a sea of such unimaginable electrical energies. As I explained in Virtual Medicine (1999), being on Earth is like living in the heart of an immense dynamo, with its iron core rotating in the Sun’s electric field.
It means that we must all be adapted to this electrical environment. But what if we fall sick; go out of kilter; un-adapt to our electrical environment? Could it not then be that for some individuals it means the electrical energy goes out of control and starts to work these strange manifestations?
I think so and this is certainly the most plausible explanation to date. That’s why I have pushed and pushed the electric universe model: there is nothing in the “universe as a cold machine” or a gravity-based physics that could possibly explain all that we have seen.
What’s the number one sign of life I keep telling you?
Electricity. Not respiration, not reproduction or feeding: a cellular membrane electrical potential. Once that’s gone; it’s death. And in the reverse…
Mary Shelley may have had a strange prescience when she wrote her book Frankenstein. We all know the story, even without reading the book: mad scientist stitches together a body of sorts, using dead pieces from the morgue and from graves. What is the one missing ingredient that needed to make this monster come alive? Electricity.
Frankenstein just has to wait for the fateful lightning strike to his laboratory roof and then…
The post What Is High Voltage Syndrome? appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.