Last week I talked about surviving some pretty serious acute viral infections. More to come this week but let’s start with a look at chronic viral infections… what we used to call “smoldering viruses” or stealth pathogens, where appropriate.
These are viruses that get past the immune system. To some degree they even disable it. But certainly they get a good hold and the body seems unable to shake off the intruder.
The classics would be things like herpes, Epstein-Barr and Hep C.
Developing vaccines has great appeal in this group because doctors don’t really know how to fight back. They (slightly) understand sickness but they haven’t a CLUE about health!
The search for a vaccine for Epstein-Barr (mono or glandular fever) has gone on since the 60s and so far has got nowhere, though one suspects these days that it wouldn’t have to work; you just need some loonie political leader mandating it, backed up by stay-at-home orders, and you’ll sell plenty! In fact it’s Big Pharma’s new business model, as we know.
The statement by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the NIH, the Mayo Clinic, etc. that there is “no cure” for herpes is disingenuous, as is the claim that the only way to prevent or treat the symptoms is with antiviral medications, such as acyclovir.
There are some good heavy hitting holistic techniques we can bring to bear against chronic viruses. The first two here are hard going. But then, if you are sick, you don’t worry too much about the effort, providing it has good provenance (meaning reliable people you trust assure you it is likely to work).
First, let’s look at enzymes. Literally this means “eating” or digesting the onboard viruses. Sounds startling! But it’s logical. As I explained last week, most viruses are wrapped in protein. That’s where the infamous “spike protein” comes from; it’s the sticking up protein “spikes” on the corona viruses. So if we can munch away at the protein envelope, the virus is stripped of its viability and can’t replicate (we don’t say “die, remember, because viruses are not really alive).

Is this complicated? No, not really. We just need a good mix of proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes. You take them repeatedly. If you are trying to eradicate herpes, for example, then you keep increasing the dose and monitor the response.
Natural proteolytic enzymes come from the pancreas (so-called proteases), pancreatin, trypsin and chymotrypsin. But there is some effect from bromelain (from pineapple) and papain (from papaya). What you are really looking for is POTENCY, not weight of the product. Buy only enzyme formulas that list their potency in units (example: 15,000 HCU (Hemicellulase Units).
You need the enteric coated or delayed release forms, otherwise most of the enzyme potency will be inactivated by stomach acid (HCl).
You will need at least an informative book, or professional help, to go it alone.
Read about proteolytic enzymes for COVID1 and HIV2.
BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
BHT is an antioxidant and common food preservative, approved by the FDA for food, oils and fats. Over 25 years ago, a paper was published in the journal Science showing that BHT could inactivate herpes simplex and other lipid coated viruses in vitro (In lab dishes).3
This was followed by a subsequent paper, also published in Science, showing that BHT could prevent chickens from dying of Newcastle disease.4
The herpes virus and the virus that causes Newcastle disease have a lipid envelope.
BHT is a potent inactivator of lipid-enveloped viruses. The viral envelope structure is physically disturbed by BHT, thereby preventing virus particles from sticking to host cells.
Other viruses with lipid envelopes include herpes simplex I, herpes simplex II, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, West Nile virus, HIV virus, influenza virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, avian flu influenza virus and the SARS virus.
BHT has not been clinically tested and approved to treat these infections but based on these early scientific results, some individuals afflicted with herpes virus infections began experimenting on themselves with BHT. They used dosages in the 250 to 3000 mg. per day range with the result that they experienced a reduction in herpes outbreaks. For some, their eruptions remained suppressed for as long as they continued to take BHT daily. For others, they were able to eventually discontinue taking BHT with no recurrences.
So at least here is an approach that can usefully be combined with other methods, to bring these nasty viruses under control, without long-term meds and their sometimes frightening side effects. Liver toxicity seems to be the main thing to guard against with BHT.
Once again, you will need at least a book, or professional help, to go it alone. But this is one of the two BEST techniques against chronic viral burdens, and so maybe, eventually, against so-called long COVID.
BHT is discussed in Mann and Fowke’s book “Wipe Out Herpes with BHT” [Mann JA, Fowkes SW. Wipe Out Herpes with BHT. Manhattan Beach, Calif: MegaHealth Society; 1983] and Pearson and Shaw’s milestone book “Life Extension” [Pearson D, Shaw S. Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach. New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc.; 1982:206-207].

but not the world’s handsomest couple, I fear!
General anti-viral remedies…
Vitamin D (of course!)
One of the greatest, natural “fast” remedies for a bout of virus illness is to take large doses (10,000 to 20,000 IU) of D3, on its own or in conjunction with C and A. Often this will knock it out in hours and certainly reduce many days of unpleasant symptoms to just one or two days.
For anyone plagued by herpes, it’s essential that you get your vitamin D level checked! If it is less than 40 ng/ml that’s poor. Less the 20 ng/ml, that’s critically low. You need to start supplementing, starting at 5,000 IU per day. Make sure it’s D3—cholecalciferol, not the cheaper D2 (Ergocalciferol) that the industry loves to palm off on unsuspecting customers.
What About Herbs?
It’s endless! In one Canadian study 100 plant extracts from British Columbia were screened for antiviral activity against seven viruses (McCutcheon et al. 1995). Twelve extracts were found to have antiviral activity at the concentrations tested. The extracts of Rosa nutkana and Amelanchier alnifolia were very active against an enteric corona virus, so could be good against the COVID virus, even though it is engineered (oh, yes)
A root extract of Potentilla arguta and a branch tip extract of Sambucus racemosa completely inhibited respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). An extract of Ipomopsis aggregata demonstrated good activity against parainfluenza virus type 3. A Lomatium dissectum root extract completely inhibited the cytopathic effects of rotavirus. In addition to these, extracts prepared from Cardamine angulata, Conocephalum conicum, Lysichiton americanum, Polypodium glycyrrhiza and Verbascum thapsus exhibited antiviral activity against herpes virus type 1.
The extracts of 40 different plant species have been used in traditional medicine and were investigated for antiviral activity against a DNA virus, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and two RNA viruses, Ross River virus (RRV) and poliovirus type 1, at noncytotoxic concentrations. The most active extracts were the aerial parts of Pterocaulon sphacelatum and roots of Dianella longifolia var. grandis, which inhibited poliovirus type 1 at concentration of 52 and 250 μg ml−1, respectively. The same authors concluded that the extracts of Euphorbia australis and Scaevola spinescens were the most active against HCMV whilst, extracts of Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra and Pittosporum phylliraeoides var. microcarpa exhibited antiviral activity against RRV.
[from the Wiley Online Library] Obviously you have to be more of a botanist than a herbalist, to read this list!
Low-Dose Xylitol
Xylitol is a “false sugar” or sugar alcohol infrequently used as a sweetener. It has a number of interesting properties — see
The main thing Xylitol can do is destroy infections entering by mouth. All diseases and viruses use sugar as an energy source to enable them to multiply. Xylitol in your mouth is seized by mouth germs for that purpose but it is not a true sugar — it will not let go of the virus or the disease which has grabbed hold of it — so these potential infections die with the viral or germ equivalent of a “blocked mouth”. That’s how Xylitol kills some potential mouth infections. However it will probably screw around with your microbiome.
Xylitol does destroy common cold viruses (corona virus) and flu germs. In the dose required to mildly sweeten morning drinks — 4mg a day in your breakfast tea or coffee — it seems to prevent colds from developing and stops influenza before it gets a hold.
More than 10,000 elderly people die from influenza every year in Britain. That’s mostly preventable with low doses of Xylitol. All germs are either lipophilic — oil-jacketed — or aquaphilic — water loving. Xylitol closes one main door — the entry by mouth — to nearly all aquaphilic germs. It is a pleasant tasting low calorie sugar as far as people are concerned.
OK, I’m out of space again! I’ll just squeeze in one more (a whole section the upcoming book):
Judy Miskovitz of Plandemic fame has ignited interest in this one. It has a century-long long history of active use against African sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis). It has a number of scientific studies to show it has useful activity against viruses, including inactivating Ebola.
But she was the first to suggest its possibility against COVID. In actual fact you can’t use suramin; it’s injection only and pretty toxic. That’s not a problem if you are treating a fatal illness like trypanosomiasis. But we don’t want to go there with simple virus remedies.
Instead, Judy has suggested using pine needle tea. Suramin was derived originally from an extract of pine needle oil, so it kind of makes sense. I’m totally out of space so I’ll send you to WikiHow for instructions on how to make it:
Beware ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, common juniper, and Monterey cypress and Norway pine, which are potentially poisonous. Especially avoid the yew, which is very toxic.
Well, as I said, out of space. Oh dear, I didn’t even mention zinc, lysine, apple cirder vinegar or. But I’m done. Do let me know if you find this much verbiage useful.
There is so-o-o much stuff out there, isn’t there! Almost none of it proven by double-blind trials and therefore not “scientific”. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It just means mainstream medicine doesn’t like it, because they can’t patent it!
1. Biochem Pharmacol. 2020 Dec; 182: 114225. Published online 2020 Sep 19. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114225
2. “A new way to nip AIDS in the bud: Protease might become a friend instead of foe in fighting HIV.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 June 2016.
3. Snipes W, Person S, Keith A, Cupp J. Butylated hydroxytoluene inactivates lipid-containing viruses. Science. 1975;188(4183):64-6
4. Brugh M Jr. Butylated hydroxytoluene protects chickens exposed to Newcastle disease virus. Science. 1977;197(4310):1291-2
The post Dr. Keiths Virus Protocols 2 appeared first on The Official Alternative-Doctor Site.