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The Overload Model Of Disease

It’s been wisely said that our bodies are defended from sudden death every single day. As with all living creatures we too are endowed with a number of key regulatory mechanisms. One can only be amazed that they rarely seem to break down, rather than being surprised and disconcerted when they do.

Every day, every minute, trouble is nipped in the bud before it gets started and we remain unaware of what is taking place: in other words, we feel one hundred percent OK. It is only when the defenses are overworked that we actually experience any health problems at all. By the time we are aware of a symptom, any symptom, the defenses have already broken down and matters are really quite serious.

We have our skin to prevent dehydration and excrete toxins; our immune system to pick off and destroy raiders; our kidneys to balance the internal acid-alkali regulation and also excrete toxins; the liver to denature toxic chemicals and render them harmless.

Our hormone glands are there to balance countless functions and make sure all works well.

The nervous system is there so we can react quickly to any threat in our environment.

The cardiovascular system rushes troops to the battle front and removes waste and dead bodies when it’s all over.

The lymphatic system, which is a sub-division of the blood system, also transports refuse and toxins, keeping the tissues clean and sanitary, so to speak.

Really, we are marvelous orchestration of all these different protective systems. Because of them, we are able to not merely live, but live well, thrive and enjoy our wellness experience, even though we live in a world of dangerous pathogens and potentially deadly chemicals.

It’s only when these healing mechanisms are compromised they we are at risk of falling sick, including the development of mental or emotional problems.

What could possibly cause that to happen?

Individual Variations

One of the most important understandings in biology and disease is the fact that all individuals are different. Body processes vary, some majorly out of tune with the rest of us. Rasputin, for example, was given a dose of cyanide big enough to kill a handful of people, yet he survived! It is usually explained by the fact he had a fondness for eating sweets, which somewhat neutralized the cyanide. His assassins finally shot him, tied him up and threw him into a freezing river.

This guy was tough as hell. The autopsy revealed that he was still alive when thrown into the water… and had almost broken free of his bonds before he finally drowned!

It’s been wisely said that our bodies are defended from sudden death every single day. The model of disease is harsh, click here to learn mroe about it...

Grigory Rasputin

In other words, Rasputin was far from “average”. Yet medicine continues to make the laughable mistake of supposing everyone is “average”. In fact nobody is average; not one single human being is average. So modern drug-based medicine is treating non-existent people!

We all vary in detail, according to our 20,000 plus genes. The effects that food, drink and chemical substances have on our bodies are extremely variable, which is why one individual can drink champagne and enjoy it, while another gets a terrible headache. Or why one human being can walk unscathed through graveyards filled with rotting piles of Plague victim corpses and yet never succumb to the disease, while others fall sick and die, quickly and easily.

I repeat: everyone is different. But modern supposedly scientific medicine ignores this simple fact. As Roger J Williams remarks in the preface to his rightly famous book Biochemical Individuality (Keats Publishing, 1956): “Although ancients and moderns alike have called attention to variability and individuality as factors particularly related to disease susceptibility and moderns have recognized that variability is indispensable to evolution, comparatively little research time and effort have been devoted to definitive study in physiology and biochemistry as to precisely how so-called normal individuals differ from each other. Such study necessarily involves the repeated observations on the same individuals, in contrast to a series of single observations on representative populations. No attempt to bring together the available biochemical material on normal variation has been previously made so far as I know.” (Page xv)

Sir William Osler, one the greatest physicians of all-time, was fond of quoting an earlier wise British doctor, Caleb Hillier Parry of Bath (1755-1822), “It is more important to know what kind of patient has the disease, than to know what sort of disease the patient has.” (Williams, p. 2)

Caleb Hillier Parry’s house in the city of Bath, England. I’m curious: did he ever get to see or treat Jane Austen? She and her family sometimes hung out in Bath during his era!

But it’s worse than that, according to Roger J Williams: “A commonly accepted point of view in the field of biology and related disciplines—physiology, biochemistry, psychology—and in the applied fields of medicine, psychiatry, and social relations appears to be that humanity can be divided into two groups: (1) the vast majority possess attributes which are within the normal range; (2) a small minority possess attributes far enough out of line so that they should be considered deviates.”

This is absurd. They are not deviates or “abnormal”; they simply differ from the majority. But medicine does not trouble itself with the outliers. For a significant number of people that is disastrous and condemns them to being failed by the system or, even worse, being hurt by supposed-safe standard treatments.

These are the people who die in the first week of chemo, whereas most patients survive the course; turn suicidal or murderous on psychotropic drugs, such as SSRIs; could bleed out, due to slow blood clotting control, whereas most people would make it to ER; or who end up brain damaged, even dead, after what is, to most people, is a harmless vaccine.

What these theories and subsequent discussions do not make clear—and I want to make abundantly clearis that we can render our bodies less susceptible all kinds of ills, by unburdening. Living a cleaner lifestyle, with better food, plenty of friendship and exercise, plus emotional unburdening, all have their beneficial effect.

Don’t put yourself in the 90% who are in danger! Work hard to get yourself in the iron-clad 10%, who live vigorously and enjoy life. It’s a choice!

The post The Overload Model Of Disease appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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