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The Facts About Human Growth Hormone

In this day and age, you’ve probably heard a lot about human growth hormone (HGH).

For most of society, their knowledge of HGH comes from the world of professional sports.  Over the last few decades, countless successful (and popular) athletes have been called out for using human growth hormone to enhance performance in their sport of choice.

It seems every sport – bodybuilding, baseball, football, cycling, and so on – has experienced their very own “cheating” scandal.  The penalties can be severe – ranging from heavy fines to stripped championships to lifetime bans forbidding the user from ever competing again.

HGH – Beyond the Sports Industry

This compound was first identified by scientists in the 1920s.  Originally, it was used to treat kids with unusual pituitary disorders that kept them from growing normally.

Human growth hormone is a naturally occurring substance produced by your body’s pituitary gland.  It is an important part of your body’s healing, growth, and recovery process.

Without it, your body would not develop correctly.  You would be stunted in height and your bones would not grow properly.  It is a substance that aids your muscles in repairing themselves after injuries or intense workouts.  Your body has a built-in gauge that determines whether you need more or less HGH production.

Like any complex machine, the human body sometimes breaks down.

When Human Growth Hormone is Necessary

Individuals whose bodies have stopped producing adequate quantities of HGH may require prescribed doses to supplement.

In 1961, a study on 14 children diagnosed with Achondroplasia (Pituitary Dwarfism), use of human growth hormone showed an increase in height of seven or more inches over several years.  These increases enable more physically capable lives which has a positive impact on overall mental and emotional well-being.

A 1990 study conducted at the Medical College of Wisconsin proved that HGH could benefit people who are long past childhood.

The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, detailed research conducted on individuals in their 70s and 80s who received periodic injections of human growth hormone over a six-month period.

The effects were impressive.

The subjects showed an apparent reversal of the aging process in all major categories.  Loss of belly fat, improved lean muscle mass, better bone density, and increased energy were some of the measurable conclusions.

The control group studied in this test exhibited no signs of the age reversal properties, indicating that human growth hormone is indeed responsible.  Studies conducted since then have produced similar results.

Outstanding Potential with HGH

You can’t rush out and buy HGH over the counter – too much of a good thing can be bad.

You might remember Andre Roussimoff.  He was a professional wrestling star who performed under the ring name of Andre the Giant.  Andre suffered from a condition called Acromegaly (Pituitary Gigantism), caused by excessive production of human growth hormone.  By age twelve, Andre stood 6’3” and weighed 240 pounds.  At the time of his death at age 46, he was 7’4 and weighed 520 pounds.

Similar to many medications and supplements, you should ask yourself why you want HGH.  Are you a baseball player looking to add another twenty feet to your plate-stealing game?

If so, it isn’t the right choice for you.

However, children who are not growing or older adults struggling with strength or flexibility may benefit from a medically prescribed HGH supplement.  The key is talking to your doctor.

Human Growth Hormone: Use With Caution

HGH is not a permanent solution and you cannot take it forever.  Overuse of this compound may lead to tumors as well as thickening of the bony plates on the brow, chin, and wrists in some people.

Consult your doctor or your child’s doctor.

Be open and honest about your current physical condition or what health goals you may have.  Keep your future health in mind and make choices that are going to keep you healthy for many years to come.

That’s a real home run.

The post The Facts About Human Growth Hormone appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

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