cancer defense
- All
- "dirty dozen" foods
- "fire
- #metoo movement
- &
- 10 bad foods
- 12 Channels Of Being
- 12 cleanest foods
- 12 most contaminated foods
- 120 years
- 180-degree rule
- 1918 flu
- 2010
- 2023
- 25 foods you should buy
- 25-hydroxyvitamin
- 3 compounds to prevent cancer
- 3 pillars webinar
- 3 prime orders of reality
- 3 tips for exercise regimen
- 3 tips for successful sleep
- 3 ways to reinforce your lymph system
- 35%
- 4 common headaches
- 5 best food sources for fiber
- 5 cancers diagnosed most often in men
- 5 cancers diagnosed most often in women
- 5 important vitamins
- 5 natural antibiotic alternatives
- 5 natural pain relief techniques
- 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables
- 5 tips for fantastic gut health
- 5 tips for lowering toxic body burden
- 5 tips to avoid iodine deficiency
- 5 tips to boost your immunity naturally
- 5 tips to manage diabetes
- 5 tips to slow signs of aging
- 5 tips to stop sitting so often
- 5G
- 5G Protection
- 6 tips before binge drinking
- 6 ways to minimize antibiotic resistance
- 7 aging foods to stop eating now
- 7 amazing diabetic foods
- 7 conditions made worse by stress
- 7 lifestyle changes to relieve heartburn
- 7 minutes on the cdc
- 7 most effective anti-inflammatory foods
- 7 proven cancer facts
- 7 simple steps to center your mind
- 7 tips to improve learning
- 7 tips to protect from parasites
- 76 Ways Sugar Harms Your Health (at least)
- 8 signs of getting too much exercise
- 8 step release of negative vibes
- 9 healthy foods to feel fuller
- 9 sources of magnesium
- 9 tips for lowering toxic burden
- 9 tips to naturally get rid of headaches
- 9 ways to respect yourself
- a
- a new way of seeing
- a week of groceries
- a-fib
- abnoba-viscum
- abortions
- about
- acceptance
- acetaminophen during pregnancy
- acetaminophen side effects
- acetazolamide
- acid reflux
- Acidic Foods
- acne
- action loop
- activated charcoal precautions
- Active H2
- acupuncture
- acupuncture and oxytocin
- acupuncture for arthritis
- acupuncture for chronic pain
- acute flaccid myelitis
- ad hominems
- adaptive immunity
- adaptogen
- addicted to food
- addiction to alcohol
- addison's disease
- adrenal insufficiency
- Adrenochrome Scandal
- adriamycin
- advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
- Advanced Physics
- advanced psychology
- advances in natural healing
- advantages of a gluten-free diet
- affirmations
- african travels
- After Life
- Afternoon Nap
- age progression
- ageing
- AGEs and Dementia
- aging
- aging and mental health
- aging foods
- aging from obesity
- aging gracefully
- aging process
- Aging Without Growing Old
- Agoraphobia
- AHCC. Active Hexose Correlated Compound
- AIDS of America
- Air
- air pollution
- air purifier
- al
- al sears
- albert abrams
- Alcohol
- alcohol allergies
- alcohol and allergies
- alcohol and drug abuse
- alcohol and liver health
- alcohol and sexual misbehavior
- alcohol controversy
- alcohol dependence
- Alcohol Deprivation
- alcohol health benefits
- alcohol in moderation
- alcohol intolerance
- alcohol or no alcohol
- Alcohol Saves Lives
- alcoholic drinks
- alcoholic liver disease
- alcoholism
- ald
- alkaline food
- alkaline foods
- alkaline water
- all-natural supplements
- all-natural-ingredient chocolate
- allergic illness
- allergic reaction
- allergic reaction to bee stings
- allergic to aluminium
- allergic to gluten
- allergic to nickel
- allergic to peanuts
- allergic to sulfites
- Allergies
- allergies and cancer
- allergies and target organs
- allergies protect
- allergy
- allergy and environmental medicine
- allergy and intolerance
- allergy diet plans
- allergy elimination diet
- allergy epidemic
- allergy induced asthma
- allergy spreading effect
- allergy stressors
- allergy symptoms
- allergy threshold levels
- allergy vaccinations
- alleviate lower back pain naturally
- alleviate menopause effects
- allometry
- aloe vera
- alpha and theta patterns
- alternative
- alternative cancer treatments
- alternative medicine
- alternative medicine benefits
- alternative medicine deaths
- alternative medicine for chronic pain
- alternative medicine news
- Alternative Medicine vs Traditional Healthcare
- Alternative Therapy
- alternative to botox
- alternative to painkillers
- alternative treatment for neurodegenerative disease
- alternative-doctor
- alternative-doctor blog
- alternatives for the flu shot
- alternatives to antibiotics
- alternatives to anticoagulant drugs
- alternatives to medicine
- alternatives to opioids
- alternatives to statins
- aluminum toxicity
- Alyssa Gilderhus
- Alzheimer
- alzheimer's
- alzheimer's disease
- alzheimer's disease and diet
- alzheimer's prevention
- alzheimer’s association
- alzheimer’s disease statistics
- alzheimer’s risk factors
- Alzheimer’s statistics
- alzheimer’s symptoms
- alzheimer’s treatment
- america
- American Association for Cancer Research
- american breakfast
- american cancer society
- amygdalin
- an
- Ancient King
- and
- andrew wakefield
- andrew weil
- angel of death
- angelina jolie
- Angiostrongylus cantonensis
- Animal Stories
- annoglacins
- antagonists
- anti
- Anti-Ageing
- anti-ageing tips
- Anti-Aging
- anti-aging benefits
- anti-aging diet
- anti-aging engines
- anti-aging nutrients
- anti-aging remedy
- anti-aging workshop
- anti-alzheimer’s grocery list
- Anti-Cancer Drugs
- anti-cancer lifestyle
- anti-cancer medicines
- anti-inflammation diet
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-inflammatory cytokines
- anti-inflammatory foods
- antiaging
- Antibacterial Soaps
- antibiotic
- Antibiotic Alternatives
- antibiotic immunity
- antibiotic overuse
- antibiotic resistance
- antibiotic resistant bacteria
- antibiotic use
- Antibiotics
- antibiotics alternatives
- antibiotics and burns
- antibiotics and gut health
- antibiotics and kidney damage
- antibiotics for MRSA
- antibiotics in meat
- antibiotics in meat affect humans
- antibiotics in meat industry
- antibiotics mentality
- antibiotics resistance
- antibioticv abuse
- antibody therapies
- antidepressant use
- antigens
- antineoplastons
- antioxidants
- antioxidants and cancer
- antioxidants dangerous
- antioxidants in wine
- antioxidants reduce mortality
- antioxidants risk
- antiseptic
- anton jayasuriya
- anxiety
- anxiety and depression
- anxiety neurosis
- aortic aneurysm
- Apatone
- apoptosis
- appleton school
- aquifers
- aranov
- archie kalokerinos
- are
- are statins dangerous
- are vaccines effective
- are we addicted to our food allergies
- are you a person of joy
- are you love starved?
- aricept
- arnica
- arrogant bureaucrats
- arsenic
- art
- art therapy
- arthritis relief
- artificial fats and oils
- Artificial Intelligence
- artificial sweeteners side effects
- as
- Ascaris lumbricoides
- ascorbic acid
- Asian AIDS
- Aspirin
- aspirin cures cancer
- aspirin for cancer
- astaxanthin
- asthma and allergies
- asthma and sulfite
- asthma triggers
- attack on borax
- attainable resolutions
- attitude of mind
- attitude toward aging
- auditory stimulation
- auriculoacupuncture
- Autism
- autism and gut health
- autism and vaccines
- Autism Spectrum
- autism spectrum disorder stats
- autistic
- auto-immune
- Auto-immune urine therapy
- autoimmune
- autoimmune disease
- autoimmune disease in depth
- autoimmune disorders
- Avazzia
- avoid carbs
- avoid food treated with chemicals
- avoid headaches
- awesome life
- azithromycin
- B
- b6
- babesiosis
- baby boomers
- bach flower remedy
- bacillus
- back
- back pain
- backpain antibiotics
- bacteremia
- bacteria
- bacteria and disease
- bacteria and microbiome
- bacteria and skin parasites
- bacteria in blood
- Bacteria ulcer
- bacterial
- bacterial esperanto
- bacterial infections
- bacterial internet
- bacteriotherapy
- bad
- bad fermentation food
- Bad flu
- bad foods
- bad science
- bad stuff
- balanced diet
- bariatric surgery
- Bars Market
- basics of the paleo-diet
- bathroom
- bathroom scales
- battling cancer
- Bauby
- baxter
- Baxter vaccine
- Baxter's vaccines
- bb12 probiotic
- beat depression naturally
- beat obesity
- beatles
- beauty
- beaver
- bee stings
- bee stings and allergies
- bee-venom
- bee-venom acupuncture
- being
- being a man
- Belladonna
- belly fat
- belly"
- ben duskin
- Ben-Hur
- benefit from exercise
- benefit of eating saturated fats
- benefit of serving others
- benefit of sunlight
- benefits
- benefits of a gluten-free diet
- benefits of a low carb diet
- benefits of activated charcoal
- benefits of adult coloring books
- benefits of antioxidants
- benefits of ballet
- benefits of bergamot
- benefits of biofeedback
- benefits of classical music
- benefits of coloring
- benefits of CoQ10
- benefits of electronic healing
- benefits of exercise
- benefits of folic acid
- benefits of gaming
- benefits of gardening
- benefits of ginger
- benefits of green tea
- benefits of healthy eating
- benefits of healthy fats
- benefits of higher cholesterol
- Benefits Of Laughter
- benefits of lutein
- benefits of medicinal mushrooms
- benefits of meditation
- benefits of molecular hydrogen
- benefits of mushrooms
- benefits of nagging
- benefits of naps
- benefits of natto
- benefits of nettles
- benefits of nettles for kidneys
- benefits of nitric oxide
- benefits of oxytocin
- benefits of protein
- benefits of punk psychology
- benefits of red wine
- benefits of salt
- benefits of saturated fat
- Benefits of Sleep
- benefits of sunlight
- benefits of sunshine
- benefits of tea
- benefits of ubiquinone
- benefits of vitamin c
- benefits of vitamin E
- benefits of whey
- benefits of whey protein
- benefits of wine
- benefits of wine consumption
- benefits of zeaxanthin
- benefits of zinc
- benzophenones
- Berberine
- bereavement
- Bergamot extract
- bergamot fruit
- bergamot juice
- bergamot plus
- bergamot polyphenols
- bergamottin
- berry boost
- beryllium
- best protein shake
- best psychoanalysts
- beta amyloid protein
- beta glucan
- beta glucan benefits
- beta-amyloid
- beta-carotenes
- beta-glucans
- beta-glucosidase
- better
- better living practices
- better sleep
- better way health’s glucan #300
- beyond
- Bifidobacterium lactis 12
- big breasts
- big bum
- big pharam
- big pharma
- Big Pharma Abuse
- big pharma conspiracy
- big pharma politics
- bigger health issues than high cholesterol
- Bill Gates
- bill gates vaccines
- Bill Rea
- binaural beats
- Binaural Creative Visualization And Relaxation
- bioavailability
- biochemical dysfunction
- bioelectrical therapy
- biofilms
- bioidenticals
- biological age
- biological age vs chronological age
- biological batteries
- biological molecules
- biological response modifier
- biological rhythms
- biological variation
- biology
- biology of memory
- bioluminscence
- biophotons are here to stay
- bioterrorism
- bioweapons
- birth control
- birth defeats from pesticides
- birth of cosmetic medicine
- birth of cosmic medicine
- birthing methods
- bisexual
- bisphosphonates
- black
- black cohosh
- bladder control
- bloating
- blocked arteries
- Blog
- blonde bimbo
- blonde genes
- blood
- blood brain barrier
- blood fats
- blood flow
- blood pressure
- blood pressure monitoring
- blood viscosity
- board
- body burden
- body clock
- body clocks
- body jewelry
- body mass index
- body matrix
- body snatchers
- Body Wellness
- bone densitometry
- bone health
- bone health infographic
- Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity
- bonnie bassler
- book
- Boom
- BOOM! by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby
- boost heart health
- boost your immune system
- boost your immunity
- borage
- borax and arthritis
- borax arthritis
- Boris and The Bozos
- boron infographic
- boron supplement
- boron uses
- Borrelia burgdorferi
- botox
- botox and alzheimer’s
- botox and depression
- botox studies
- bottle of lies
- bottled water hazard
- BPA facts
- BPA toxicity
- Brain
- brain allergies
- brain and gut connection
- brain and mind
- brain blood flow
- brain boosting foods
- brain damage
- brain disturbance
- brain electricity
- brain exercises
- brain fitness
- brain health
- brain healthy food
- brain inflammation
- brain infographic
- brain neurons
- Brain Nutrient
- brain nutrients
- brain nutrition
- brain plasticity
- brain project
- brain recovery
- brain science
- brain shrinkage
- brain starvation
- brain tap
- brain-gut connection
- brain-wave EEG monitoring
- braintap technologies
- brainwave technology
- brainwaves
- brca gene
- bread-making habits
- break the cycle of sitting
- Breakdown of Memory Facts
- breakfast
- breast abscesses
- breast biopsy
- breast cancer
- breast enlargement
- Breast Health
- breast is best
- breast milk
- breast milk benefits
- Breathalyzer test for cancer
- breathing
- bribery
- bribes
- british alert
- broken
- Broken Heart
- bromelain
- Bruno Giordano
- bse
- bsessive Compulsive Disorder
- burktt's lymphoma
- burn this book
- burn wounds
- burns and infections
- business of depression
- butter
- by
- bystander cpr
- c
- C. difficile
- C.auris
- cadmium
- Cafe Nero
- caffeine allergy
- caffeine dangers
- caffeine toxicity
- calcium dangers
- calcium stones
- california
- calories and your health
- campylobacter
- can
- can mammograms kill
- Can Vitamin B1 Reverse Kidney Disease
- can you survive without antibiotics
- canada
- Cancel Culture
- Cancer
- cancer 101
- cancer alternative therapies
- cancer alternatives
- cancer and emotions
- cancer and genes
- cancer and parasites
- cancer aspirin
- cancer causes
- cancer confidential report
- cancer conglomerate
- cancer deaths
- cancer defense
- cancer diagnosis
- cancer fighting game
- cancer fraud
- cancer homeopathic remedy
- cancer mafia
- Cancer Mortality
- cancer news
- cancer preventing
- cancer prevention
- cancer prevention study
- cancer protection
- cancer psychology
- cancer rates increasing
- cancer recovery
- cancer research
- cancer research secrets
- cancer risk
- cancer risk factors
- cancer statistics
- cancer survival rates
- cancer survivor quotes
- Cancer Therapies
- cancer therapy
- cancer tourism
- cancer treatment
- cancer tumors
- Cancers
- candida
- candidiasis
- canine distemper
- cannibalism
- cannibalism and diet connection
- cappuccino
- caprylic acid
- carbohydrate control
- carbohydrate lines
- carcinogenic
- cardiac cycle
- cardiovascular disease
- cardioviva
- carmi
- carnitine
- carpal tunnel relief
- carpal tunnel risk factors
- caster bean
- castor bean
- castor oil
- cat litter
- CAT scans
- catalase
- catholic doctrines
- cats
- cauliflower
- cause of add
- cause of Alzheimer’s disease
- cause of arthritis
- cause of autism
- cause of autism spectrum disorder
- cause of death
- cause of dementia
- cause of lung cancer
- cause of obesity
- cause of the opioid epidemic
- causes for headaches
- causes of Alzheimer’s
- causes of alzheimer’s disease
- causes of arthritis
- causes of autism
- causes of autoimmune disease
- causes of cancer
- causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
- causes of headaches
- causes of heart disease
- causes of high blood pressure
- causes of inflammation
- causes of lower back pain
- causes of mental disorder
- causes of obesity
- causes of sciatica
- causes of senility
- causes of sudden weight gain
- causes of weight gain
- cdc
- CDC investigation
- CDC shills
- celgenics
- celiac disease
- cell defender
- cell lines
- cell phone dangers
- cell phone usage
- cell phone use and high blood pressure
- cell phone use and stress
- cell phones and depression
- cell phones and loneliness
- cell-replication process
- centering
- centering your mind
- cereals
- cerebrospinal fluid and sleep
- cervical cancer
- cervical spondylosis
- chagas disease
- champagne
- change your life
- change your thoughts
- changes in healthcare
- Chant du Mond
- charcot
- charities
- charity scam
- chatgr
- ChChemical Sensitivity
- Che Guevara
- cheat
- checkpoint inhibitors
- chelation dangers
- chelation therapy
- chemical
- Chemical Detox
- chemical detox to prevent cancer
- chemical intolerance
- chemical overload
- Chemical Pollution
- chemical psychiatry
- chemical victims
- chemicals
- chemicals and aging
- chemicals in fabrics
- cherishing one another
- chicken pox vaccine
- child abuse and psychiatrists
- childhood antibiotic exposure
- childhood vaccinations
- children
- children and food allergies
- chiropracters
- chiropractic
- Chiropractors
- chlamydia
- chlorine dioxide
- chlorogenic acid
- chocolate
- chocolate and diet
- Chocolate is Good for You! - (women already knew this)
- choking game
- cholesterol
- cholesterol facts
- choline
- Christianity
- christmas and charles dickens
- christmas feelings
- christmas traditions
- christopher reeve
- chromium
- chromium picolinate
- chromosome 20
- chronic disease and allergies
- chronic diseases
- chronic epstein-barr
- Chronic Fatigue
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic gastrointestinal problems and mental health
- chronic inflammation
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic lower back pain
- chronic pain
- chronic pain relief
- chronic pathogen
- chronic stress
- chrononutrition
- chrononutrition menu
- cigarette damage
- circadian genes
- circadian rhythm
- circadian rhythms
- circle of life
- cirrhosis
- civilizations
- CKD risk factors
- claude debussy
- clay therapy
- Clean Air
- clear air
- clear your head
- climate
- climate change
- Climate Crisis
- climatologists
- clinical depression
- clinical forms of toxoplasmosis
- close loops
- cnn stories
- cocaine
- cocaine abuse
- cocci
- Coconut magic!
- Coconut Magic! (2)
- coconut oil
- code of living
- codes of behavior
- coercive education
- coffee
- Coffee and Liver
- coffee benefits
- cognitive decline in elderly
- cognitive function
- cognitive impairment
- cognitive improvement
- cold laser therapy
- cold laser therapy for pain
- cold laser therapy for pets
- colicky baby
- coliforms
- colon cancer
- colon health
- color of urine
- colorectal cancer
- colorectal cancer causes
- colorectal cancer risk
- colostrum
- comfort eating
- comfort foods
- coming off a fast
- common allergens
- common blood clot symptoms
- common causes of leaky gut
- common causes of liver failure
- common reasons for kidney disease
- common rheumatic diseases
- common risk factors for cancer
- common symptoms of autoimmune disease
- common symptoms of being sick
- communication
- communication tips
- Comparison
- compassion
- complement system
- complex vs. processed carbs
- computational psychiatry
- computational psychiatry claims
- computer
- computer brain
- concept of consciousness
- confirmed influenza
- conflict of interest
- connectedness
- connection between sleep and your brain
- conscious mind
- conscious science
- consciousness and Being
- consciousness theory
- Consensus
- consequences of loneliness
- conspiracy
- conspiracy against holistic doctors
- constipation
- consultation
- contaminated water
- control type 2 diabetes
- control weight gain
- controlling body weight
- controlling symptoms of autoimmune disease
- conventional medicine
- conventional science bloggers
- copper
- coQ10
- CoQ10 Anti-Aging Benefits
- CoQ10 facts
- corn syrup
- Corona Virus
- Coronavirus
- corpus callosum
- corrupt congress
- corruption
- corruption and lies in "science"
- corruption of the cdc
- cosmetic filler side effects
- cosmetic fillers
- cosmetics health hazard
- Cosmic Medicine
- cosmological model
- cosmology
- countries allowing euthanasia
- cover girl
- Covid
- COVID Test
- COVID-19
- coxsackie
- cpr
- Crazy Headlines
- creative visualization
- crematorium
- crkp
- Crohn’s
- Crooked Oncologists
- crucial facts about kidney stones
- cruciferous vegetable family
- CT coronary angiogram
- cure depression naturally
- cure for stress related illness
- curing loneliness
- current ebola outbreak
- cyclical allergies
- cyclotron resonance
- cytochrome oxidase
- cytokine storm
- d-ribose
- d2
- d3
- daily rhythms
- daily supplements
- Dairy
- damage from ultrasounds
- damage of sleep deprivation
- dana-farber cancer institute
- dancing
- danger to society
- Dangerous Ingredient
- dangerous place in the house
- dangers of acetaminophen
- dangers of alkalizing
- dangers of antibiotics
- dangers of antioxidants
- dangers of binge drinking
- dangers of botox
- dangers of BPA
- dangers of caffeine
- dangers of calcium
- dangers of carbohydrates
- dangers of cell phones
- dangers of chemically created oils
- dangers of chronic inflammation
- dangers of cosmetic fillers
- dangers of depression
Mar 11, 2016
Checkpoint Inhibitors… Cancer’s Penicillin Moment (Beginning Of The End)
Keith Scott-Mumby
Penicillin changed the world. Virtually overnight hundreds of diseases that formerly killed millions of people were rendered impotent. Life expectancy shot up by decades. The prospect of a long and happy life became a reality for the majority of those in the Western word. Today, the main killers are self-inflicted: heart disease, diabetes and cancer… […]
Mar 11, 2016
Checkpoint Inhibitors… Cancer’s Penicillin Moment (Beginning Of The End)
Keith Scott-Mumby
Penicillin changed the world. Virtually overnight hundreds of diseases that formerly killed millions of people were rendered impotent. Life expectancy shot up by decades. The prospect of a long and happy life became a reality for the majority of those in the Western word. Today, the main killers are self-inflicted: heart disease, diabetes and cancer… […]
The post Checkpoint Inhibitors… Cancer’s Penicillin Moment (Beginning Of The End) appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.