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Jun 1, 2023

Never Too Old To Have Fun!

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

I don’t want to put bad or shocking stories before you and in fact this is NOT a horrible story; it has a great outcome! But it does concern people who—often through no fault of their own—age very badly and really suffer under care. I know my readers are pretty vibrant and engaged with life […] The post Never Too Old To Have Fun! appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

May 18, 2023


Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Everyone supposes that your thoughts and emotions drive your facial expressions. But how may people know that facial expressions also drive your mood? Not much is written about this but there are clues. They say if you look UP (head held high), you can’t feel depressed. But if you look down (head lowered) you can’t […] The post WRINKLES, EMOTION AND EXPRESSION NUMBED BY BOTOX appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Nov 17, 2022

Grab A Long Life While You Can!

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

This is an important announcement, rather than my usual newsletter. I decided to switch at the last minute, since the news is current and very critical to us all. The FDA is coming for your final years. They want to take them away and have you die sooner. Strictly speaking, it’s a greedy little scientist […] The post Grab A Long Life While You Can! appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 26, 2022

How To Live 150 Billion Years (Or More!)

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Vivien encouraged me to send this out to everyone, as a newsletter. She says it is the clearest explanation of spirit vs. material she has ever read. If you find it too challenging, blame her! Haha! Well, why not? We are timeless beings, because we are non-material. Let’s be clear about this. The space-time continuum, […] The post How To Live 150 Billion Years (Or More!) appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Apr 22, 2022

The Miracle Herb Is Back In Stock

Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s not often a mix in my newsletters with my products, but today I am going to do just that. There a vast amount of learning here, especially for us Boomers and it’s time for an update! Time was (about 10 years ago) when I had the #1 slot on Google for Puereria mirifica. Those […] The post The Miracle Herb Is Back In Stock appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Oct 16, 2021

The Closest We’ve Got to The Elixir of Life


A quick lesson and recommendationsby Keith Scott-Mumby MD Twenty years ago (even less) there were “expert” idiots claiming there was nothing you could do about aging. You got what you got and were stuck with it. It was in the genes. The maximum possible age, we were told, was around 120. Nobody could beat that,… Continue reading The Closest We’ve Got to The Elixir of Life The post The Closest We’ve Got to The Elixir of Life appeared first on The Official Alternative-Doctor Site.

Oct 12, 2021

Doctor Right Foot and Doctor Left Foot


One of my subscribers and friends in correspondence Dom (not a typo) came up with this phrase and I LOVE it! He wrote me: I have already “beat” the America & US longevity figure by over 5 years (82 plus) by just the things you mention. Also good idea to stay away from doctors &… Continue reading Doctor Right Foot and Doctor Left Foot The post Doctor Right Foot and Doctor Left Foot appeared first on The Official Alternative-Doctor Site.

Jul 23, 2021

The Closest We’ve Got To The Elixir Of Life

Keith Scott-Mumby

The Closest We’ve Got To The Elixir Of Life A quick lesson and recommendations by Keith Scott-Mumby MD Twenty years ago (even less) there were “expert” idiots claiming there was nothing you could do about aging. You got what you got and were stuck with it. It was in the genes. The maximum possible age, […] The post The Closest We’ve Got To The Elixir Of Life appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jun 1, 2021

Latest Geeky Science Tells Us How Long We Can Live

Keith Scott-Mumby

Not on my watch! As the world falls further and further from reality (REAL reality) we enter the geeky world of so-called “virtual reality”. Some people have started to believe their own digital nonsense and actually accept that the world is the way some computer spits it out. They forget that computers only tell you […]

May 27, 2021

Latest Geeky Science Tells Us How Long We Can Live

Keith Scott-Mumby

Not on my watch!  As the world falls further and further from reality (REAL reality) we enter the geeky world of so-called “virtual reality”. Some people have started to believe their own digital nonsense and actually accept that the world is the way some computer spits it out. They forget that computers only tell you […] The post Latest Geeky Science Tells Us How Long We Can Live appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Oct 25, 2019

The Secret to Living a Century and Beyond


While you’d think most centenarians — people who’ve lived 100 years or longer — would offer up lots of do’s and don’ts on diet and exercise regimens, their longevity secrets, it turns out, have little to do with most of the usual healthy-living recommendations. In fact, many spent a lifetime ignoring the advice of health […] The post The Secret to Living a Century and Beyond appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Mar 27, 2019

Changing Your Thoughts on Aging Changes Everything!

Keith Scott-Mumby

When most people are questioned about their thoughts on aging, the consensus is almost always the same: there are some serious downsides. It’s hard to argue the point.  The older we get, the more birthdays we celebrate, the more our perception of aging changes.   When you’re a child, you can’t wait for your birthday. […] The post Changing Your Thoughts on Aging Changes Everything! appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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