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bill gates vaccines

Feb 2, 2023

The Official Narrative Collapses At Last

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s been quite a week for us COVID skeptics! What with Bill Gates finally admitting that COVID vaccines basically don’t work (after he made his $500 million profit). Thousands of vaccine injured individuals marched on Downing Street in London (Prime Minister’s HQ). And you know: NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF THIS SUFFERING ARMY IN ANY […] The post The Official Narrative Collapses At Last appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Nov 19, 2011

Bill Gates and Megalomania

Keith Scott-Mumby

Anyone who has ever bought and used (or tried to use) Microsoft products will have little trouble thinking of Bill Gates as a criminal. But did you realize he has joined with an international terrorism movement? Bill Gates has put up another $1 billion to be sure that everyone in the world gets all the main vaccines available, even if they do not want them. He doesn’t give a damn if you have your own point of view. HIS word is what counts. He’s a bully (and a fool). He wants every child on the planet vaccinated. (Note: Gates is not even a doctor, but just some guy who dropped out of college and made a bunch of cash with his crappy software via pushy business practices). Individual choice and the sanctity of parenthood mean nothing to Emperor Gates. He wants you vaccinated and they have a plan for those who refuse… Shoot ‘em! And that’s precisely where it’s going. Gangs of armed thugs, backed by Gates, are roaming the streets in some countries, forcing terrorized parents to get their children vaccinated. 

Nov 19, 2011

Bill Gates and Megalomania

Keith Scott-Mumby

Anyone who has ever bought and used (or tried to use) Microsoft products will have little trouble thinking of Bill Gates as a criminal. But did you realize he has joined with an international terrorism movement? Bill Gates has put up another $1 billion to be sure that everyone in the world gets all the main vaccines available, even if they do not want them. He doesn’t give a damn if you have your own point of view. HIS word is what counts. He’s a bully (and a fool). He wants every child on the planet vaccinated. (Note: Gates is not even a doctor, but just some guy who dropped out of college and made a bunch of cash with his crappy software via pushy business practices). Individual choice and the sanctity of parenthood mean nothing to Emperor Gates. He wants you vaccinated and they have a plan for those who refuse… Shoot ‘em! And that’s precisely where it’s going. Gangs of armed thugs, backed by Gates, are roaming the streets in some countries, forcing terrorized parents to get their children vaccinated. 
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