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Alternative Doctor

Aug 12, 2024

Scientific Proof There Is No Such Thing As A Healthy Diet! (Yet)

Keith Scott-Mumby

Most of my friends know I was a number #1 pioneer in the field of what to eat: meaning individualized eating. For almost 40 years I’ve been pointing out that what works and is safe and healthy for one individual could kill someone else. Under the banner of “food allergies” I streaked ahead, showing that […] The post Scientific Proof There Is No Such Thing As A Healthy Diet! (Yet) appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Sep 7, 2023

Brain in A Box? I Don’t Think So

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Of all the really REALLY stupid ideas, they’ve been trying to create a human brain within a computer. They didn’t even ask the obvious question: is it even POSSIBLE to mimic the human brain in a computer? Heck, nothing has yet passed the famous Turing test (named after Alan Turing, the computer wizard in the […] The post Brain in A Box? I Don’t Think So appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 31, 2023

The New Dark Age and Perverted Science

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Yet further darkening of the landscape. The Tech Giants, in collusion with Big Pharma, are turning out the lights, one by one. Beware. Sir Winston Churchill, in one of his famous arousing speeches, had this to say about driving out the Nazis and their mischief: …if we fail, then the whole world, including the United […] The post The New Dark Age and Perverted Science appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 24, 2023

Big Charities Dishonesty and Sleaze All The Way To The Bank

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

It has emerged that most top patient advocacy organizations have unconscionable industry ties in their leadership. In fact HALF (yes, HALF!) patient advisory “charities” had paid staff or executives being paid by Big Pharma. That’s a MASSIVE conflict of interest.  In fact it’s downright criminal, because charities collect money from the public for “research” which […] The post Big Charities Dishonesty and Sleaze All The Way To The Bank appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 16, 2023


Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Who knows these days? There’s science below—but there has been so much LYING lately from once-trustworthy sources, it’s hard to know where the truth lies. But since the researchers were not American, I have some hope there are facts in there somewhere! I was a male who lived through the greatest liberation event for women […] The post GREAT NEWS BUT IS IT TRUE? appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 9, 2023

FDA Rewriting The Facts to Suit Big Pharma (Of Course)

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

In response to the mouthings of Robert Califf, head of the FDA, a waffly, dishonest and misleading article appeared in MedPage Today and was followed by major slamming by readers incensed enough to comment harshly. Califf blames misinformation for Americans’ stagnating life expectancy. He’s right but not in the way he means—I’m referring to the […] The post FDA Rewriting The Facts to Suit Big Pharma (Of Course) appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Aug 3, 2023

Fermentation Good Fermentation Bad

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s puzzling for the layman to know that gut fermentation (Candida, etc.) is bad. Yet fermented foods can be good for us! Let’s take a closer look because—make no mistake—this is about lifelong health habits that will either keep you in good shape, or kill you fast! Now, I’ve got your attention, huh? Let’s start […] The post Fermentation Good Fermentation Bad appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jul 27, 2023

Psychiatrist Kidnaps And Imprisons Patients Just To Make More Money

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

I wrote in my blockbuster book PSYCHIATRY WITHOUT DRUGS about the very dismal ethics of many psychiatrists. Psychiatrists (and nurses) are a “profession wanting of humanity”. Patients are just cattle, not humans, lacking respect and even basic human rights. Historically, it was common for people with mental illness to be incarcerated, whipped, tortured, even killed… AND […] The post Psychiatrist Kidnaps And Imprisons Patients Just To Make More Money appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jul 12, 2023

What a Difference A Day Makes (Well, 60 years!)

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

In almost all my books since 1985, I have been preaching that giving up BAD stuff has more health benefits than adding in GOOD stuff. Unfortunately, modern “science” has us giving up good stuff (fats) to be replaced by toxic deadly substitutes (polyunsaturated vegetable oils). Now a new large-scale study, called the PURE (Prospective Urban […] The post What a Difference A Day Makes (Well, 60 years!) appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jul 12, 2023

Tickling Your Energy Bunnies!

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

This week something a bit unusual. I’m sharing a BRILLIANT set of 3 videos recently recorded with my old pal Dr. Sarah Myhill. Sarah is a magnificent, sharing and caring person, overflowing with knowledge of biology, physiology, nutrition and self-care. She’s bursting with energy and vitality, a true poster girl to her own cause! But […] The post Tickling Your Energy Bunnies! appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jul 5, 2023

The Photoshopping of Truth Continues

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

The Oxford Dictionary word of the year for 2016 was “post-truth”. We are living in a world in which truth no longer has an honored place. We all know that politicians lie, for self-gain, power and re-election. Crooks lie, to evade capture and punishment. But most of the rest of society gets on with life, […] The post The Photoshopping of Truth Continues appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Jun 26, 2023

(Good) Music is Healing

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Relax, I don’t mean you all have to do Mozart and Beethoven. I’ll explain what I mean by good music, shortly. Years ago, I planned to write a book about the power of beauty in our lives. I was world famous as an environmental doctor and it seemed only right to take an interest in […] The post (Good) Music is Healing appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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