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fat activism

Sep 14, 2018

Is Weight Loss An Abusive Suggestion?

Keith Scott-Mumby

If there is one thing CERTAIN about people who weigh 300 lbs. or more it is this: They are seriously screwed up psychologically. No self-respecting person would allow themselves to grow into such a mountain of ugly, unhealthy lard. Trouble is, when we suggest this is not a good state to be in, apparently WE […]

Sep 14, 2018

Is Weight Loss An Abusive Suggestion?

Keith Scott-Mumby

If there is one thing CERTAIN about people who weigh 300 lbs. or more it is this: They are seriously screwed up psychologically. No self-respecting person would allow themselves to grow into such a mountain of ugly, unhealthy lard. Trouble is, when we suggest this is not a good state to be in, apparently WE […] The post Is Weight Loss An Abusive Suggestion? appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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