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food journal

Jul 28, 2012

Weight Loss Keep A Food Diary

Keith Scott-Mumby

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less — and if you want to eat less, it helps to write it down. When researchers studied the eating behaviors of female dieters they found that the most important tool linked to successful weight loss was a pen and notebook. It’s called a “food diary”. Women who kept food journals and consistently wrote down the foods they ate lost more weight than women who didn’t. What’s more, researchers found that skipping meals and eating out frequently, especially at lunch, led to less weight loss.

Jul 28, 2012

Weight Loss Keep A Food Diary

Keith Scott-Mumby

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less — and if you want to eat less, it helps to write it down. When researchers studied the eating behaviors of female dieters they found that the most important tool linked to successful weight loss was a pen and notebook. It’s called a “food diary”. Women who kept food journals and consistently wrote down the foods they ate lost more weight than women who didn’t. What’s more, researchers found that skipping meals and eating out frequently, especially at lunch, led to less weight loss.
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