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live longer and happier with good relationships

Dec 8, 2017

Good Genes Are Nice But Love & Happiness Is Better

Keith Scott-Mumby

Ever since the unravelling of the human genome, the mechanistic scientists have had a field day proclaiming we are just a bunch of “stuff”, made from an accidental molecule called DNA. It’s all genes is their cry. In fact it’s now proven that genes have very little to do with anything. They switch on and […]

Dec 8, 2017

Good Genes Are Nice But Love & Happiness Is Better

Keith Scott-Mumby

Ever since the unravelling of the human genome, the mechanistic scientists have had a field day proclaiming we are just a bunch of “stuff”, made from an accidental molecule called DNA. It’s all genes is their cry. In fact it’s now proven that genes have very little to do with anything. They switch on and […] The post Good Genes Are Nice But Love & Happiness Is Better appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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