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oxidized cholesterol

Nov 17, 2012

IV Cholesterol For Heart Disease

Keith Scott-Mumby

Cholesterol IV is a treatment? How crazy does it get? They have been telling us (quite wrongly) that cholesterol is a problem and causes heart attacks. Now, they are giving cholesterol IV, as a treatment! This is how crazy “science” is. It flip flops remarkably every decade or so; usually not more than a quarter […]

Nov 17, 2012

IV Cholesterol For Heart Disease

Keith Scott-Mumby

Cholesterol IV is a treatment? How crazy does it get? They have been telling us (quite wrongly) that cholesterol is a problem and causes heart attacks. Now, they are giving cholesterol IV, as a treatment! This is how crazy “science” is. It flip flops remarkably every decade or so; usually not more than a quarter […] The post IV Cholesterol For Heart Disease appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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