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Jul 13, 2012

Could This Parasite Cause Suicide?

Keith Scott-Mumby

I say yes because I know what a tricky little predator this is. It makes cats behave stupidly and skip-hop under the wheels of motor cars; it makes rats and mice curl up in front of cats and ask to be killed and eaten (that’s how the parasite goes to its next step in reproduction). Now orthodox doctors are asking the same question…. And coming up with the same answer. The parasite in question is Toxoplasmosis (toxo for short) and is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxo could well cause behavior disturbance in humans and be a menacing cause of unforeseen suicide. Humans can become chronically infected by eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables or by handling cat litter, as the parasite is known to multiply in the gut of infected cats. Even just messing around with your infected cat puts you in danger. NEVER let kids cuddle and slurp with cats or dogs. Some studies have linked the parasite to a higher chance of developing schizophrenia, and researchers believe because the T. gondii parasite lives in the brain, it could have an effect on emotions and behavior. It could trigger suicidal thoughts. It does in cats and rats!!

Jul 13, 2012

Could This Parasite Cause Suicide?

Keith Scott-Mumby

I say yes because I know what a tricky little predator this is. It makes cats behave stupidly and skip-hop under the wheels of motor cars; it makes rats and mice curl up in front of cats and ask to be killed and eaten (that’s how the parasite goes to its next step in reproduction). Now orthodox doctors are asking the same question…. And coming up with the same answer. The parasite in question is Toxoplasmosis (toxo for short) and is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxo could well cause behavior disturbance in humans and be a menacing cause of unforeseen suicide. Humans can become chronically infected by eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables or by handling cat litter, as the parasite is known to multiply in the gut of infected cats. Even just messing around with your infected cat puts you in danger. NEVER let kids cuddle and slurp with cats or dogs. Some studies have linked the parasite to a higher chance of developing schizophrenia, and researchers believe because the T. gondii parasite lives in the brain, it could have an effect on emotions and behavior. It could trigger suicidal thoughts. It does in cats and rats!!
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