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machinations of fake science

May 1, 2015

Dr. Oz Controversy Lambasted By The Forces Of Villainy

Keith Scott-Mumby

Not that I like Dr. Mehmet Oz, don’t get me wrong. But this story the Dr. Oz controversy is about the machinations of fake science and the control by manipulative evil forces over medical institutions. A bunch of 10 medical retards got together and wrote a letter to Columbia University, where Dr. Oz is an […]

May 1, 2015

Dr. Oz Controversy Lambasted By The Forces Of Villainy

Keith Scott-Mumby

Not that I like Dr. Mehmet Oz, don’t get me wrong. But this story the Dr. Oz controversy is about the machinations of fake science and the control by manipulative evil forces over medical institutions. A bunch of 10 medical retards got together and wrote a letter to Columbia University, where Dr. Oz is an […] The post Dr. Oz Controversy Lambasted By The Forces Of Villainy appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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