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mainstream medicine

Feb 22, 2017

Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our supposedly modern, technologically advanced society, everyone from politicians to scientists to your local doctor want an “easy fix” to mental health problems. There isn’t a truly scientifically-based test for issues concerning your mental or emotional wellness.  Any issue you have is literally subjective to the doctor or therapist you’re talking to at the […]

Feb 22, 2017

Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our supposedly modern, technologically advanced society, everyone from politicians to scientists to your local doctor want an “easy fix” to mental health problems. There isn’t a truly scientifically-based test for issues concerning your mental or emotional wellness.  Any issue you have is literally subjective to the doctor or therapist you’re talking to at the […] The post Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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