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prevent misdiagnosis

Feb 22, 2017

Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our supposedly modern, technologically advanced society, everyone from politicians to scientists to your local doctor want an “easy fix” to mental health problems. There isn’t a truly scientifically-based test for issues concerning your mental or emotional wellness.  Any issue you have is literally subjective to the doctor or therapist you’re talking to at the […]

Feb 22, 2017

Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our supposedly modern, technologically advanced society, everyone from politicians to scientists to your local doctor want an “easy fix” to mental health problems. There isn’t a truly scientifically-based test for issues concerning your mental or emotional wellness.  Any issue you have is literally subjective to the doctor or therapist you’re talking to at the […] The post Mental Health Problems in Our Modern World appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Oct 10, 2014

Could Poor Quality of Life Cause a Misdiagnosis?

Keith Scott-Mumby

Multiple studies around the world now link your quality of life to psychological conditions such as depression, diabetes control, sleep complications, kidney disease, increased risk of cancer, and the occurrence of chronic illness such as fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. Defining “Quality of Life” Often difficult to define, in regards to your overall well-being as a […]

Oct 10, 2014

Could Poor Quality of Life Cause a Misdiagnosis?

Keith Scott-Mumby

Multiple studies around the world now link your quality of life to psychological conditions such as depression, diabetes control, sleep complications, kidney disease, increased risk of cancer, and the occurrence of chronic illness such as fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. Defining “Quality of Life” Often difficult to define, in regards to your overall well-being as a […] The post Could Poor Quality of Life Cause a Misdiagnosis? appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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