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sugar and obesity

Dec 3, 2016

The Dangers of Sugar – Worse Than Believed

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our modern world, there are few ingredients as dominant and dangerous to our food supply as added sugar. I’ve spoken at length about the dangers of sugar (as have countless others in the medical and scientific community) but it seems we’ve underestimated the devastating effects. You read that right. As much as we’ve railed […]

Dec 3, 2016

The Dangers of Sugar – Worse Than Believed

Keith Scott-Mumby

In our modern world, there are few ingredients as dominant and dangerous to our food supply as added sugar. I’ve spoken at length about the dangers of sugar (as have countless others in the medical and scientific community) but it seems we’ve underestimated the devastating effects. You read that right. As much as we’ve railed […] The post The Dangers of Sugar – Worse Than Believed appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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