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transformational psychology

Oct 17, 2014

How to Apply Transformational Psychology in Your Personal Development Plan

Keith Scott-Mumby

Supernoetics™ and Punctuated Equilibrium Supernoetics™ and Punctuated Equilibrium is a recent scientific biological term, to get round the problem that evolutionary changes are not seen from fossil records. Instead of the predicted gradual drift from one species or form to another, populations actually remained stable for very long periods, with no real change for millions […]

Oct 17, 2014

How to Apply Transformational Psychology in Your Personal Development Plan

Keith Scott-Mumby

Supernoetics™ and Punctuated Equilibrium Supernoetics™ and Punctuated Equilibrium is a recent scientific biological term, to get round the problem that evolutionary changes are not seen from fossil records. Instead of the predicted gradual drift from one species or form to another, populations actually remained stable for very long periods, with no real change for millions […] The post How to Apply Transformational Psychology in Your Personal Development Plan appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.
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