medical scams
- All
- "dirty dozen" foods
- #metoo movement
- 10 bad foods
- 12 Channels Of Being
- 12 cleanest foods
- 12 most contaminated foods
- 180-degree rule
- 25 foods you should buy
- 3 compounds to prevent cancer
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- 5 cancers diagnosed most often in women
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- 7 amazing diabetic foods
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- 7 tips to protect from parasites
- 8 signs of getting too much exercise
- 8 step release of negative vibes
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- AHCC. Active Hexose Correlated Compound
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Oct 18, 2017
Scientifically Proven (and Hidden) Dangers of Statin Drugs
Keith Scott-Mumby
To discuss one of the biggest medical scams in history, look no further than the dangers of statin drugs! The pharmaceutical industry pulled a fast one and their profits are proof! How did they accomplish such a feat? Outright lying and bending the few “facts” to fit their narrative Questionable statistics, scientific studies, and very […]
The post Scientifically Proven (and Hidden) Dangers of Statin Drugs appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.