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Mar 11, 2012

Magnesium Cools Inflammation

Keith Scott-Mumby

Magnesium is enormously powerful at cooling the “fire” of inflammation. Yet it is the commonest mineral deficiency in our diets. The majority of people are not coming anywhere near the RDA minimum of 350 mg. Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina measured blood inflammation levels–using the C-reactive protein (CRP) test–in 3,800 men and […] The post Magnesium Cools Inflammation appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Feb 27, 2012

Sobering Facts Debunk The Raw Milk Myth

Keith Scott-Mumby

Regular readers will know that I do not condone the raw milk hysteria. To read the holistic press, you’d think it was the best food ever invented. In fact I’m on record with the BBC (1986) as saying that if there was one food on Earth I would ban it would be milk. I would make hundreds of millions of people well within a week. I’d be famous! Seriously, though, milk is DEADLY. I don’t care what Joe Mercola says. And please don’t write and tell me YOU can drink raw milk and you are fine. That’s like saying you live in a pit of snakes and you haven’t been bitten so far! New and sobering statistics show that raw, or unpasteurized, milk causes 150 times more dairy product-related disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk. And states where the sale of raw milk is legal have twice as many outbreaks as states where it is illegal, according to a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study (CDC). The 13-year review looked at more than 120 dairy product-related outbreaks that occurred between 1993 and 2006. The outbreaks caused more than 4,400 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations and three deaths. Raw milk products — including cheese and yogurt — caused 73 of the outbreaks (60 percent) and most of the 239 hospitalizations. Unless milk is pasteurized — heated to kill harmful bacteria — bacteria can accumulate in collected milk, multiply and cause illness, the researchers said. The study found that 13 percent of patients in what they called the “raw milk outbreaks” were hospitalized, compared with 1 percent of those made ill by pasteurized milk products. That’s 1300% more dangerous, if you want to play at silly statistics.

Feb 27, 2012

Sobering Facts Debunk The Raw Milk Myth

Keith Scott-Mumby

Regular readers will know that I do not condone the raw milk hysteria. To read the holistic press, you’d think it was the best food ever invented. In fact I’m on record with the BBC (1986) as saying that if there was one food on Earth I would ban it would be milk. I would make hundreds of millions of people well within a week. I’d be famous! Seriously, though, milk is DEADLY. I don’t care what Joe Mercola says. And please don’t write and tell me YOU can drink raw milk and you are fine. That’s like saying you live in a pit of snakes and you haven’t been bitten so far! New and sobering statistics show that raw, or unpasteurized, milk causes 150 times more dairy product-related disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk. And states where the sale of raw milk is legal have twice as many outbreaks as states where it is illegal, according to a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study (CDC). The 13-year review looked at more than 120 dairy product-related outbreaks that occurred between 1993 and 2006. The outbreaks caused more than 4,400 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations and three deaths. Raw milk products — including cheese and yogurt — caused 73 of the outbreaks (60 percent) and most of the 239 hospitalizations. Unless milk is pasteurized — heated to kill harmful bacteria — bacteria can accumulate in collected milk, multiply and cause illness, the researchers said. The study found that 13 percent of patients in what they called the “raw milk outbreaks” were hospitalized, compared with 1 percent of those made ill by pasteurized milk products. That’s 1300% more dangerous, if you want to play at silly statistics.

Jan 28, 2012

Yet Again They Attack “Red Meat”

Keith Scott-Mumby

That’s red meat in quotes because they didn’t test red meat—they tested red meat AND processed meat junk combined. Then tell us red meat is bad. Duh! You’ll hear incessant bleatings that red meat is bad and we shouldn’t eat it; it leads to heart disease, strokes etc. This is all NONSENSE. You put poison with good food, feed it to people and say “don’t eat this, it hurts people.” That just condemns good food. We NEED meat. It’s our ancestral food (Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man were big meat eaters). Red meat, such as beef, contains important food substances we need, such as carnitine and omega-3s. Yes, believe it or not, grass-fed beef is the richest source of omega-3s we have (this does not apply to grain-fed beef, of course, even though grains are technically grass). This is where it gets stupid, because carnitine is used as a treatment for vascular disease. Several clinical trials show that L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine can be used along with conventional treatment for angina to reduce medication needs and improve the ability of those with angina to exercise without chest pain.

Jan 28, 2012

Yet Again They Attack “Red Meat”

Keith Scott-Mumby

That’s red meat in quotes because they didn’t test red meat—they tested red meat AND processed meat junk combined. Then tell us red meat is bad. Duh! You’ll hear incessant bleatings that red meat is bad and we shouldn’t eat it; it leads to heart disease, strokes etc. This is all NONSENSE. You put poison with good food, feed it to people and say “don’t eat this, it hurts people.” That just condemns good food. We NEED meat. It’s our ancestral food (Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man were big meat eaters). Red meat, such as beef, contains important food substances we need, such as carnitine and omega-3s. Yes, believe it or not, grass-fed beef is the richest source of omega-3s we have (this does not apply to grain-fed beef, of course, even though grains are technically grass). This is where it gets stupid, because carnitine is used as a treatment for vascular disease. Several clinical trials show that L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine can be used along with conventional treatment for angina to reduce medication needs and improve the ability of those with angina to exercise without chest pain.

Dec 30, 2011

Fish Really Is Good For The Brain Like Momma Said

Keith Scott-Mumby

This Oregon brain study is a very strong study indeed, despite the low numbers enrolled, showing that nutrition is a key issue for dementia. We know that but it’s time that orthodox colleagues woke up to it. Researchers identified three ways to relate dementia to diet—so called nutritional biomarker patterns (NBPs). Those with blood rich […]

Dec 30, 2011

Fish Really Is Good For The Brain Like Momma Said

Keith Scott-Mumby

This Oregon brain study is a very strong study indeed, despite the low numbers enrolled, showing that nutrition is a key issue for dementia. We know that but it’s time that orthodox colleagues woke up to it. Researchers identified three ways to relate dementia to diet—so called nutritional biomarker patterns (NBPs). Those with blood rich […] The post Fish Really Is Good For The Brain Like Momma Said appeared first on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby.

Nov 23, 2011

HFCS and cancer and heart disease and liver damage and

Keith Scott-Mumby

This is a great piece by Al Sears MD. He says it all; I see no point in me writing it all again in my own style! Since I’m stealing from him, I’d better give you his website address, so you can go sign up with him (see end of article). The people who make high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) haven’t let up in their TV advertising. They’re still out there claiming their chemically produced concoction is the same as natural sugar. The corn it’s made from isn’t even “natural” any more. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 86% of all corn grown in America is genetically engineered.1 The enzymes needed to make the high fructose corn syrup are also genetically modified. And this enzyme application is an extra processing step that even refined sugar doesn’t go through. Another extra step used to make high fructose corn syrup is to use caustic soda in the processing. Problem is, this stuff can get contaminated with mercury.

Nov 23, 2011

HFCS and cancer and heart disease and liver damage and

Keith Scott-Mumby

This is a great piece by Al Sears MD. He says it all; I see no point in me writing it all again in my own style! Since I’m stealing from him, I’d better give you his website address, so you can go sign up with him (see end of article). The people who make high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) haven’t let up in their TV advertising. They’re still out there claiming their chemically produced concoction is the same as natural sugar. The corn it’s made from isn’t even “natural” any more. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 86% of all corn grown in America is genetically engineered.1 The enzymes needed to make the high fructose corn syrup are also genetically modified. And this enzyme application is an extra processing step that even refined sugar doesn’t go through. Another extra step used to make high fructose corn syrup is to use caustic soda in the processing. Problem is, this stuff can get contaminated with mercury.

Nov 11, 2011

Probiotics More Good Evidence

Keith Scott-Mumby

You won’t need telling what probiotics are. But it is always helpful to be reminded how powerful they can be. Hippocrates said “all diseases begin in the gut.” He was not wrong. We now know that inflammation from the intestinal tract is a major factor in almost all ill health. We also know that inflammation is probably the number one aging factor. Forget telomeres: they can be rebuilt (good science on that). But inflammation damages and ages tissues rapidly and permanently. Think of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). These are all inflammatory diseases. Even cancer has an inflammatory element. These are also the diseases typical of aging. So anything which helps quench inflammation is a good thing, right? Back to the probiotics story…

Nov 11, 2011

Probiotics More Good Evidence

Keith Scott-Mumby

You won’t need telling what probiotics are. But it is always helpful to be reminded how powerful they can be. Hippocrates said “all diseases begin in the gut.” He was not wrong. We now know that inflammation from the intestinal tract is a major factor in almost all ill health. We also know that inflammation is probably the number one aging factor. Forget telomeres: they can be rebuilt (good science on that). But inflammation damages and ages tissues rapidly and permanently. Think of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). These are all inflammatory diseases. Even cancer has an inflammatory element. These are also the diseases typical of aging. So anything which helps quench inflammation is a good thing, right? Back to the probiotics story…

Aug 18, 2011

Veggies No Longer Nourishing

Keith Scott-Mumby

They keep telling us to eat 5 servings of veggies a day, as if that is all you need. We are told to eat a “balanced diet”, as if that contains all the nutrients that are vital to health. That’s based on lousy opinion, from 50 years ago, when nutritional science had hardly started. Even if it was true then (it wasn’t), in 2011 that advice is deadly and flawed. According to expert Heinrich Elmer, today you would need 10 servings of vegetables to equal just one serving from 50 years ago!1 Hidden Hunger “Vitamin and mineral deficiency is the source of the most massive ‘hidden hunger’ and malnutrition in the world today. The ‘hidden hunger’ due to micronutrient deficiency does not produce hunger as we know it.” said UNICEF’s Deputy Executive Director Mr. Kul C. Gautam, at a press conference at UNICEF House on 24th March 2004.
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